Page 55 of Melinda's Choice

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“Simple as that?”

“Simple as that.”

“Will you come with me?”

“If you want.”

“I want.”

“Then I shall come aboard with you. However, you will need eventually to make such journeys independently.”

“I will. One step at a time.”


“So, what kind of preparation should I do before I get on the drone.”

He takes a sip of water from his bottle then puts it down. “Is there anything you think you should be doing?”

I look at him accusingly. “Dwight, I pay you to advise and guide me. You tell me.”

He quirks his lips at that. “Very well Wyatt, if you are looking for my advice, then here it is. You are well aware that drones are now one of the safest ways to travel—safer even than driving, if you read the statistics.”

“I know.”

“All you need to fly on a drone are the motor skills to step into it and out.”

“I know that.”

“So, there is nothing else left for you to do except decide. Will you go ahead with this, regardless of how terrified you feel?”

“Failure is not an option. I will.”

He smiles. “Then there is little else you need do as preparation.”

“No mantras I could be reciting?”

“Nah. Unless it’s to repeat to yourself, ‘I am doing this, I am doing this’”

“Shit or get off the pot,” I whisper, almost to myself.

“What’s that, Wyatt?”

I huff out a laugh. “Just something my brother said to me not long ago. ‘Shit or get off the pot.’”

Dwight chuckles, genuinely entertained. “Not the language I would choose to use, but very apt none the less.”

He looks at my communicator. “Ok, so let’s do it.”

“Now?” I ask.

“Why not now?”

“Isn’t it a bit soon?”

“Wyatt, what was it your brother told you?”

“Shit or get off the pot.”
