Page 59 of Melinda's Choice

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“Then I shall take you to adrelan.”

“Adrelan? What is that?”

My daughter interjects laughingly. “It is a place we go to when we wish to ease our bodies and minds. I am sure you will like it greatly. I only wish I could go with you.”

“Mara, you are welcome to join us.”

My daughter’s tail swishes towards mine in affection. “Thank you pa, but I believe you will enjoy this better without a third person with you, and also, I have work to do.”

“I am always happy to have your company dear daughter, but if you have work, then it must be done.”

She smiles. “Let me be on my way. Go in peace Melinda, pa.”

“Go in peace,” we both murmur.

I turn to Melinda, my tail looping around her waist. “Come with me.”

She glances down at it. “Sicortar, I am happy to accept your invitation, but I must make it clear that I come with you only in an official capacity, to learn about Krovatian culture.”

“Then come.”

Again, she glances down at my tail wrapped around her waist. “So there is no need for this, whatever you think you’re doing.”

“Melinda, do not argue. Come with me.”

She looks as if she is about to do just that, then decides against it and begins to walk alongside me. When we reach the auditorium door, I see a young Krovatian male lounging there in wait for us. He stands to attention as we approach. I give him my sicortar stare, expecting him to move away, but he stands his ground.

“Who, pray, are you?” I snap.

“Sicortar, I am Desimar, Melinda Garcia’s official escort.”

“You are relieved of such duty today, Desimar. Melinda will be spending time with me, and then I shall ensure her safe return home.”

“But sir, I have been told—”

“I believe I have made myself clear.”

“Yes sir.”

I do not wait for any further response, walking Melinda out of the building in brisk strides until we reach my drone. She looks at it curiously as she climbs aboard. “This is an unusual design for a drone.”

“It is my unique design. It is completely solar powered, but powerful enough to reach high speeds. And what is more, it is wonderfully cool inside,” I say, flicking a switch to start the engine. Immediately, a cooling breeze blows in through the vents.

“You have a cooling system! This is the first air conditioning I’ve seen in my whole time on this planet. Is it allowed?”

I snort. “Nobody is going to question the sicortar. It is one of the few cooling systems on this planet, but let me assure you the technology is completely clean and has no negative impact on our environment.”

“That is impressive. I’m sure there would be a lot of interest on Earth in such technology.”

“This technology is for my sole use currently.”

“That’s a shame. Why so?”

I decide to be open with her. “A sicortar is not expected to meddle with such non-spiritual things. Perhaps one day, when I am retired from my official duties, I may pursue my other interests more openly.”

“I see.”

By now, we are up in the air and zipping through the sky towards a location on the outskirts of the city. Presently, she asks, “So, thisdrelan. What exactly is it?”
