Page 60 of Melinda's Choice

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“As Mara said, it is place we go to ease our bodies and minds. It is set in a cave with hot therapeutic mud that we bathe in. I promise you will enjoy it.”

“It sounds similar to mud spas we have on Earth.”

“Yet more things we have in common. I do believe our peoples are going to grow closer in time as we realize that there are more things that unite us than divide us.”

“I hope so. Such a belief is at the heart of the work I do.”

“Then I believe your work will be successful, Melinda.”

Her brown eyes fix on me. “I’m curious about the work that you do. What exactly is the job of a sicortar, if I may ask?”

“You may ask, Melinda. There are many aspects to the position, but fundamentally, I am responsible for the spiritual wellbeing of the planet. For our people to flourish, we must banish the evil energies that wreak harm and pain around us. Through the power I exert in a holy trance, I can search for that evil, extract it from people’s thoughts, and break it down.”

“That’s what you did that first time? With Avery?”

“Yes, although I can also achieve the same result from a great distance.”

“What exactly did you see in her that day?”

“She harbored great resentment against you. There was jealousy and a determination to bring you down in any way she could. She planned to discredit you at the first opportunity and have you sent back to Earth in disgrace so that she could take your place.”

Melinda’s eyes widen in shock. “Unbelievable!”

“It is true, I am afraid.”

She shakes her head in disbelief. “And what about now? Is she—does she—still harbor such thoughts?”

“No, not now. I made sure to extract all that evil from her, and I checked her aura again just last rotation. You are still safe. However, her nature is such that such thoughts will eventually resurface. She will require constant vigilance, unless perhaps, you can arrange to have her sent back to Earth.”

“Unfortunately, that isn’t within my power—not unless she commits some kind of felony that I can prove.”

“In that case, I will continue to scan her every quarter rotation to make sure she does not develop such wicked thoughts toward you again.”

She touches a hand to my arm. “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

“It is my duty, Melinda.”

Our drone begins to lose altitude as we approach our destination. With a gentle nudge, we land in the drone park. I open the door and wait as Melinda climbs out. I see her look around curiously. From the outside, there is not much to see. Thedrelanis accessed through an internal passage which opens up into the large, cavernous space inside. I drape my tail around her. “Come.”

She walks with me, no longer questioning the presence of my tail on her body. We reach the concealed entrance of thedrelan, at the base of a jutting set of rocks. I activate our access code using my communicator, and a door slides open. Together, we enter. Inside is a long, gloomily lit corridor. Melinda glances about her uncertainly. “Do not worry. It is fine,” I say.

She nods, and walks quietly beside me. After a few paces, we emerge into a larger space with high ceilings formed of stalactites. Discreetly placed urns provide illumination. In the center, a host sits at her console. She smiles upon our approach and stands. “Sicortar, it is an honor to welcome you this day.”

“The honor is mine. This is my guest, Melinda Garcia, head of the Earth delegation to Krovatia. Please could you arrange for a mud bath for two with a body mind treatment.”

“Of course.” She taps on her console then looks up again. “It has been arranged. Please follow me.”

She leads us to the end of the cavern and down a further dimly lit corridor until we reach a door that discreetly slides open for us. Inside is a smaller chamber of the cave, with two mud baths set into the ground. The mud is of a reddish brown color and infused into it are aromatic herbs. I see Melinda inhale deeply. “I like this aroma. What is it?”

“It is a mix of therapeutic herbs native only to this planet. They are expertly blended to bring harmony to body and mind.”

The host nods her head. “Indeed, sicortar is correct. We have many sun rotations of experience in blending herbs for optimal effect on the body and mind. I will leave you now to your bath, but please press the button should you require any assistance, and of course when you are ready for your washdown.”

“Thank you.”

The host smiles and exits the room. Melinda turns to me, looking troubled. “So, this mud bath. How exactly is this supposed to work?”

“It is very straightforward, Melinda. We unclothe ourselves and enter.”
