Page 6 of Melinda's Choice

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“Very well, but should your committee not approve Martha’s appointment on the program, we would also like to make clear that Eliza Carmichael is banned from travel to our planet and will not be allowed to board our ship.”

So, the slithery seductress did not make a good impression on them either. “I see. I’m sure we can reach a suitable accommodation. Leave it with me and I will get back to you on this by morning end.”

The two stand, our meeting over. Solemnly, they bow and take their leave. As soon as they’re out the door, I pick up my communicator and begin making some calls.

Three quarters of an hour later, it’s all settled. The selection committee has reluctantly acceded to the Venorians’ wishes. Eliza has been informed she is no longer on the program and been escorted back to her quarters to await transport back to Earth. And now, to the best part of all this. I call Martha and ask her to come see me as soon as she can.

It doesn’t take her long to get here. I smile at the tall, brown-haired young woman with large gray eyes and freckled skin. “Martha, thank you for coming over so quickly.” I lead her over to the small sectional sofa at the far end of my office and invite her to sit, before sharing the good news with her. She stares at me speechlessly.

“Martha? This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I’m just overwhelmed. This is the best news!” Then another thought occurs to her. “Have you spoken to Eliza yet?”

“Yes, I have. Let’s just say she didn’t take it very well. Said some very unkind things about you. I’ve arranged for her return to Earth on a transport leaving within the hour, so you don’t have to worry about running into her.”

She heaves a relieved sigh. “So, what next?”

“You’ll be leaving with the Venorians on their ship at 18:00 hours, so make sure you’re packed and ready at least an hour before then. Treylor will want to spend some time with you before you go. You can tell her a little more about the specifics of your life on Earth and what she should expect, living in your apartment. She’ll reciprocate with more information for you about Ven.”

“I look forward to that.”

I gaze at her seriously. “Martha, I’m sure I don’t need to tell you just how valuable this skill you have could be. More than anyone, you’ll be able to get a read on the Venorians and their intentions towards us. I’m nearly one hundred percent sure that they are a benign race that means us no harm, but there is still so much we don’t know or understand about them. The intelligence you provide us with from this mission will be critical.”

“I understand.”

We stand and shake hands. “Good luck Martha. I’ve been so impressed with what I’ve seen from you. I have every confidence in your success on this mission.”

“Thank you, Melinda. I really appreciate the vote of confidence.”

I smile as I see her out of my office. I have a good feeling about Martha. I do believe she is going to be a great asset for us on Ven.

Chapter 2


One month ago

I stretch my arms above my head and flex my neck from side to side, trying to work the kinks out of my body. I’ve just spent the last two hours writing a report for my superiors back on Earth about the curious happenings on the planet Ven. Out here on Mars, we are first to receive any communications from distant planets such as Ven and the two others we have made contact with through the Venorians—Krovatia and Driskia.

The news that has trickled in recently has made for interesting reading. Who would have thought that the fresh faced young woman I bid goodbye to all those months ago would end up becoming mated to Krantor, the son of Ven’s mighty ruler, the Kran? I’m sure not even Martha Reynolds had any inkling of what was to happen to her on that distant planet. In her last dispatch to me, sent a day before her mating ceremony, she sounded happy, excited and very much in love. I’m not surprised. I’ve seen video footage of Krantor, and he managed to set even my tired old heart aflutter. Lucky, lucky girl.

And then came today’s news. I listened wide eyed to dispatches from all five of our humans on Ven. I couldn’t quite believe my ears; it all sounded too incredibly far-fetched. I glance again at the executive summary of my report and read what I’ve written.

The Saraxians, inhabitants of a planet in the far reaches of the second galactic quadrant, have mounted an attack on the planet Ven. Using some powerful crystals stolen from Krovatia, they managed to induce a state of mass unconsciousness in the Venorian population. The boral crystals are thought to have had this impact by blocking Venorians’ neural receptors and sending them into shock.

In the course of their attack, the Saraxians stole valuable reserves of the mineral dorenium, as well as abducted Martha Reynolds, Krantor’s new mate. Krantor and his elite bodyguards—the somars—were off planet when this attack occurred, but were able to successfully rescue Martha, who is thankfully unharmed.

Venorians are currently reviewing their security protocols and discussing punitive measures to take on the Saraxians. Relations between Venorians and Krovatians have also cooled, since the latter failed to properly warn of the potential dangers of boral crystals to the Venorian population. All the humans involved in the Venorian Exchange Program have reported themselves unharmed.

Poor Martha, being abducted by these nasty Saraxians. I’m just glad everyone is safe and unharmed. Such drama being played out a few light years away, while here on Mars, life continues to grind at a stiflingly slow pace. God, I can’t wait to get off here and return back to Earth for a well-earned break. And to see Wyatt again—my ex-husband who’s not quite an ex.

My communicator buzzes with an incoming call. Speak of the devil. With a tired smile, I pick up. “Hey honey.”

He frowns. “You look tired. Is everything alright?”

“Yes, I’m ok. There’s been dramatic news from Ven and I’ve been at my desk for hours drafting my report.”

“Dramatic? What’s happened?”
