Page 7 of Melinda's Choice

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Hurriedly, I fill him in. When I come to the end of my tale, he shakes his head in amazement. “Mass unconsciousness! It sounds fantastical.”

“I know. I’d barely believe it if it weren’t for the testimony of all the humans on our exchange program.”

“Will this have an impact on your efforts to build relations with the Krovatians and Driskians?”

“I hope not. It’s a delicate situation. If the Venorians decide to cut off their ties with the Krovatians, then we will unfortunately be bound to do so too or risk offending our new allies. But my gut feeling is it won’t come to that. The Venorians don’t strike me as the type of people to cut off their nose to spite their face. The trade they have with the Krovatians is too valuable to lose. I’ll be curious how this plays out though.”

“If I were the Venorians, I’d use this as an opportunity to win more concessions from the Krovatians, such as greater access to their planet. Didn’t you say they were a closed off, secretive race?”

“Yes. As far as I understand, they don’t allow any foreigners on their planet. All their trade with the Venorians is conducted in neutral third-party territory.”

“Hmm. Well, if I were a betting man, I’d put money on that changing in the not too distant future.”

My eyes sharpen at this. “You think?”

He shrugs. “Just a hunch.”

I ponder this. “You might be right. I’ll definitely need to keep my ears to the ground.”

“No, honey, what you need is to put your feet back on Earth and enjoy a well-earned vacation.”

“I can’t wait,” I say with a sigh. “Have you booked the hotel?”

“It’s what I was calling you about. I’m sending the details by message now, but just so you know, hotel is all booked up, including a private hot tub on the terrace. Just think. Fresh air, endless lush green valleys, the two of us hiking by day and relaxing by evening.”

“Oh God, that sounds like heaven.”

“Just a few more weeks to go.”

“I’m counting the days.”

“Me too.”

“I love you, Wyatt.”

“I love you too.”

“Bye now.”

“Bye honey.”

I end the call, dreaming of that fresh mountain air, and of seeing Wyatt again. Yes, I’m that person who goes on vacation with her ex-husband who’s not quite an ex. It’s not the most rational thing to do. I’m fully aware of that. When I get back to Earth, me and Wyatt are going to have a talk, that’s for sure.


Present day

I’m all packed up and ready to go. My shuttle back to Earth will be arriving soon, loaded with passengers I’m curious to see again. The five Venorians on the exchange program are on their way back home after their six months stint on Earth. They’ll be picked up from here by one of their own ships which will be bringing home the humans that have been on Ven, minus Martha. My last job before I begin my vacation will be to invite them all for a debrief.

My communicator buzzes with an incoming call from Tom, my head of security.

“Hey Tom,” I answer.

“Melinda, the shuttle is docking in bay six. Could you make your way over to greet the arrivals?”

“On my way.”

Opening my office door, I head to the buggy parked in my allocated space outside. I climb aboard and start driving it in manual mode, which is my preference. I could simply program it to take me to bay six, but where would the fun in that be? The drive is short, but a welcome interlude. I pass the main thoroughfare of shops and restaurants before heading east, past the medical bay and further down a long corridor that houses various storage facilities, until I reach the door marked for bay six.
