Page 65 of Melinda's Choice

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“I scanned Prelonisha’s aura carefully and found nothing alarming there.”

“Think back to her aura. What was it like exactly?”

“It was a warm glow of bright colors. Not a single spurt of negative energy there.”

“Too perfect. A model citizen.”

“I see what you are getting at here. You are thinking that somehow she has found a way to mask her true feelings and masquerade as the perfect citizen.”

“Is there a way to bypass your scan, Kirimor?”

“I have never thought so.”

“Let us think about how that could be done. I am increasingly of the opinion that whoever stole the crystals and whoever smuggled them on board the cargo ship, is hiding in plain sight, somehow managing to evade our energy scans.”

“I have been able to read negativity in even our wiliest criminals. Under the holy trance, nobody can avoid my all-seeing eye, no matter what subterfuge they try to use.”

“Perhaps you are mistaken, Kirimor.”

“You realize this calls into question all that I have believed and all the work I have done for the last twenty-three sun rotations as sicortar.”

“I do realize, but when the evidence presents itself, one cannot ignore it. I am not saying your energy scans are faulty. Ninety-nine per cent of the time, I am sure you have been accurate in your assessments, and the work you have done for our planet has been invaluable. Do not doubt yourself on that. However, we must explore the possibility that, for a very small fraction of the population, your scans may not have been altogether successful.”

“You think they have come up with some kind of barrier around their true aura?”

“I do not know. Think, Kirimor, if it were you wanting to fool an energy scan, how would you do it?”

“My scans look into a person’s inner thoughts and feelings to sense if they are transmitting any negative energy towards those around them.”

“Yes, and so?”

“The whole thing is predicated on what they themselves conceive as negativity. If someone has an evil intention towards another person, they know internally that what they are feeling is wrong. That internalized feeling is what I read.”

“I understand, but how is this relevant?”

“What if the person doing or thinking of doing what by our standards is an immoral act, believes to the very core of their being that what they are doing is right and good? If their own conscience is clear, they will only transmit positive energy to me.”

“So what you are saying is that our possible perpetrator is morally convinced that they are doing good by stealing the crystals?”

“Yes. That could be a way of shielding themselves from my energy scans. We have always believed that the theft of the boral crystals was done for financial gain. But what if it was done for other, more ideological reasons?”

“This is beginning to make sense of the puzzle. So now, let us explore the possible ideological motives.”

“The theft of the boral crystals was used to attack the Venorians, not us. What possible connection could there be back to us?”

“Let us imagine that some of our citizens have been in continued contact with their kin on Sarax. Perhaps they see the easy lifestyle people lead over there and compare it unfavorably to our more eco-conscious life here.”

“Perhaps, but how does that translate into wanting to assist the Saraxians in an attack on the Venorians?”

“What energy source do the Venorians have control over in their colony on the Utar belt?”

“Dorenium. As far as I know, there are plentiful deposits of the mineral on the Utar belt, enough to power Venorian space travel and industry for at least another century—if not more.”

“And where else is there a massive repository of dorenium?”

“Here, in the southern sector of our planet.”

“When our ancestors colonized Sarax, it too had great deposits of dorenium. What if, in their profligate lifestyle, they have squandered this resource and are now looking for other sources of dorenium?”
