Page 66 of Melinda's Choice

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“It would explain the continued hostilities between the Saraxians and the Venorians, and their threat to us. But why would a Krovatian want to help them with that?”

“So, let us imagine that some Krovatians have continued to be in close contact with their kin on Sarax and are envious of the easy, luxurious life to be had there. Perhaps, they are wanting such luxuries for themselves over here. Perhaps, they have convinced themselves that it is the right of every Krovatian to live a better life with the energy intensive technologies that we refuse to use here. In which case, they might believe they are doing good by assisting the Saraxians to take control of the Utar belt and to possibly, in the near future, take control of Krovatia.”

“What you suggest is very alarming, Denishar.”

“I am alarmed and extremely concerned. I do not know how far the plotting between the Saraxians and such Krovatians has gone. We know only of Prelonisha, but there may be others working in conjunction with her that we have not identified yet. This is why I need you to somehow find a way to scan more accurately and identify those people whose auras are too perfect.”

“There are a million people living on this planet, Denishar. I cannot begin to scan them all.”

“No, but we may start with a scan of every high ranking individual. I will draw up a list and send it to you.”

“It will still take time—time we may not have. What other measures will you take?”

“I am convening a meeting with the other sector leaders, but before I do, I want to make sure none of them are in on this. I doubt they are, but to be sure, could you scan each of them again for me?”

“Of course, I will get right on it.”

“I am also going to deploy some trusted operatives to closely observe Prelonisha’s movements and communications. Perhaps she will slip up and reveal her co-conspirators. I will also discuss our security measures with the sector leaders and review areas where we need to tighten things up.”

“That is a good plan. I wish you luck with it.”

“And you will get started on the scans of high ranking Krovatians as soon as possible?”

“Yes. It will mean going into more frequent holy trances than usual.”

“Lucky for you, you have a young new drasha to help you out.”

“So you have heard.”

“Oh yes, the grapevine is full of the news that the sicortar has taken on a new drasha for the first time in many sun rotations, one young enough to be his daughter.”

“Do not mock me, Denishar. I had my doubts when Sholinar first mentioned her to me, but she has turned out to be a fine addition to my household.”

“I do not mock, Kirimor. I am happy for you and glad you have her now that you are going to be so busy. While we are on such matters, I am curious. What is the deal between you and that Earth female?”

“She intrigues me. I cannot tell you why. I am thinking of conducting a short dalliance with her. Will that be a problem?”

“No, you are free to find romantic adventure wherever you want. It is a cause for gossip though, and I also wonder whether she will agree to a dalliance with you. Her kind do not generally share sexual partners. If she knows about your drashas, she may not wish to be added to the list.”

“Yes, I gathered that. My challenge is to convince her otherwise.”

“The challenge may be greater than you think. You will also be interested to know that she has an ex-husband—similar to a former mate—who has applied for permission to join her here, no doubt with the intention of winning her back. He is the leader of a cultural arts performing group. He would like to bring the group here to share their Earth culture with us by performing drama, music and dance.”

“I know of him. Will you be giving that permission?”

“As you know, I was very hesitant to agree to hosting the current delegations we have here. However, as you predicted, their presence on our planet has not proved to be a threat to us. On the contrary, my contact with the diplomatic representatives has taught me much about their races. I have found the information very useful. I must confess to being curious to see performances of their arts, especially as I have a personal liking for music and dance.”

“So you will agree to their visit here?”

“Unless you have an objection?”

“My baser instinct is to say yes, I do have an objection. I do not wish for this golden haired, blue eyed male to come here and try to seduce Melinda again. But then my rational mind overrules the objection. I am quite certain that this male is no competition for me. If they were still mated, that would of course be a different matter, but then he would not have let her come here without him.”

“You make a good point. Then, my friend, I do not need to wish you luck, for you will not need it I think.”

“No, but you may wish me a happy and pleasant interlude with the Earth female.”

“That I do. After all your hard work and sacrifice to your duty, you deserve the unique pleasure of romancing a worthy female—one that will stimulate you both in the bedroom and out.”
