Page 68 of Melinda's Choice

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“It is funny you should mention that. Just the other day, I was inking a young male and I heard a throwaway remark he said to someone on his communicator. Something like ‘The heat lately has been so scorching. I live for the day when we can properly cool our homes again.’ Then, the person he was speaking to must have rebuked him, for he changed the subject of the conversation.”

He has my full attention. “Do you remember his name?”

“No, but I can look it up. It should be in my records.”

“Please do and send me the information. Could you also let me know if you ever hear such talk again?”

“Of course, sicortar.”

“Thank you.”

A beat later, my inking is done. I stand and look at my reflection in the mirror, admiring the work. “Dorinor, you are genius. Thank you for this.”

“It is my honor, sicortar.”

“Go in peace.”

“Go in peace.”

Chapter 22


I finish listening to the latest recording from Wyatt and replay it. The time lag between our communications is incredibly frustrating. I have been here on Krovatia for nearly a month, which means he must have sent this just after seeing that last apologetic message from me.

Wyatt’s familiar face appears before me. He smiles, his wonderful warm smile, “Hey honey, I got your message. Sweetheart, you don’t need to apologize for anything. If anything, it’s me who failed you. Me, who’s been the coward. These last few weeks, I’ve done lots of soul searching too. I’ve decided the time has come to just get off my ass and stop being ruled by my fear, so I’m going to see a therapist Dylan recommended. I’m going to work through my issues and I’m hoping one day to get on a drone, and then maybe a space ship too. I’m trying Mel, really trying to be a better person. So honey, you have nothing to be sorry for. I’m sorry I let you slip through my fingers and fucked up our marriage. I wish… I wish I had done things differently. I miss you. I love you. Take care of yourself honey.”

I end the recording and wipe a stray tear. I’m so glad Wyatt is proactively trying to overcome his fears. So proud too. I just wish he could have done this a long time ago. Why couldn’t he have displayed this determined attitude when I first went to Mars?

I start recording my response. “Athena, record video message to Wyatt. Begin.”

“Hi honey, this is great news! I hope this therapist you’re seeing can help. I sense your determination and I know you can do it. I’m proud of you. Let me tell you what’s been happening this end. I’m making good progress, building up my network of contacts. I’ve met all the sector leaders and top ministers. We’re building a database for our records back home, with the names, pictures and descriptions of all the main players here, and we’ll be keeping that updated. One of my main priorities is to improve and speed up our connectivity with Earth. I’m in talks with the Venorians to try to integrate our systems and create a more streamlined way to message you all. It still won’t be the live chat we had back when I was on Mars, but I’m hoping the time lag between messages can at the very least be halved. Troy is putting a lot of hours into this, and I hope to have good news about this for you some time soon.”

“Talking about Troy, here’s a bit of gossip. He’s dating a Krovatian guy and not just any guy, but the son of that head priest I was telling you about, the one who did that strange ceremony on the day we arrived. Crazy right? He’s a lovely young man named Kiristen and they seem very much in love, though Troy still maintains it’s just a fling.”

I laugh. “We’ll see about that! We’ve been invited to the sicortar’s home for lunch tomorrow—that’s the title of the head priest, sicortar. Think of this as Troy going to meet the parents, even though technically he’s already met them. This will be the first time he sees them after he and Kiristen have officially started dating. Avery and I got an invite too, so we’ll tag along and support him as best we can. I can’t really decline an invitation from the head priest of the planet, can I? It’s sure to be an interesting experience, visiting his home.”

Not least after the proposal he made the other day. “I wish to conduct a romantic liaison with you.” Fuck, why can’t I get that out of my head?

I stretch my arms to the side sleepily. “Anyway, it’s late and I best get some sleep. Take care, honey. I hope you are keeping well. Goodnight… Athena, end message and send.”

I get under the covers. “Athena, lights out.” Snuggling into my pillow, I close my eyes and drift off to sleep dreaming of dark glittering eyes and a soft tufted tail that wraps around me like a warm blanket.

Late next morning, Kiristen arrives in his drone to escort us to his home, where we’ve all been invited for lunch. He walks into the house and straight into Troy’s arms. Troy pulls the young Krovatian roughly to him and ravages him with kisses.

“Guys, remember. We’re here too.”

They pull apart, breathless. “Sorry,” mutters Troy, then drags Kiristen to him for another kiss, more gentle this time. Eventually, they come up for air, and Kiristen turns to us, face flushed an interesting shade of taupe.

“Please forgive my poor manners. Greetings, Melinda and Avery.” He steps towards me and places a hand on my chest, then bows. He does the same to Avery. “Are you ready to go?”

“We are. Let me just get the plate of brownies I baked from the kitchen.”

“You baked for us?”

“Yes, I wanted to share some of our food with you. It’s a type of moist sweet cake called a brownie.”

“I look forward to tasting it.”
