Page 69 of Melinda's Choice

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Quickly, I grab the carefully wrapped box of brownies and join them at the front door. “Ok, I’m ready.”

“Then come along, let us go.”

The journey to Kiristen’s house takes no more than twenty minutes in the drone, but I can see from the window that we leave the city behind and fly over a very sparsely populated rocky terrain. After a while, I notice the blue of the coastline and a mountainous range close by. As we start our descent, I make out a compound of whitewashed buildings sitting near the edge of the cliff, overlooking the sea. Kiristen brings the drone down neatly into a parking space next to two other drones and switches off the engine. He turns to us with a smile. “Here we are. Welcome to my home.”

As we climb out, the front door opens and a little figure flies out towards me. “Melinda!” cries Kiritela excitedly. I lift her into my arms and give her a big hug.

“Well hello young lady. It’s good to see you.”

She wraps her tail around my waist and gives me a sloppy kiss on the cheek. I tighten my hold on her, giving her a big squeeze before lowering her back to her feet. I look up to see the sicortar watching me. Straightening my spine, I walk towards him. “Sicortar, it is an honor to be here.” I go to place my hand on his chest in the traditional greeting, but instead, he pulls me to him, plastering my body to his. His tail snakes around me, binding me in his embrace and one hand buries itself in my hair, pulling my face to his. I feel his breath in my ear.

“In my home, call me Kirimor,” he rumbles. He continues to hold me tight, rubbing his nose along the crook of my neck.

“Kirimor,” I whisper, “let me go.”

I feel his lips quirk in a smile. “Not yet.”

He rains light kisses along the side of my jaw and down to the sensitive places on my neck. I try pushing him away, but his tail simply tightens its hold around me. “Kirimor, stop this. I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but let me remind you quite categorically. I am not interested in any sort of relationship with you.”

He continues to nuzzle my neck. “Is that so?” He strokes his thumb along the pulse point at my throat. “Then why is your heart beating so frantically Melinda? And why are your loins dripping with your arousal? I can smell you.”

I squirm in his hold, shamefully aware of the truth of his words. “Let me assure you, sicortar, that I am here only in my official capacity as Earth’s ambassador to Krovatia.”

“It is Kirimor. And Melinda, I do not conduct official business in my home. When you step inside, you do so in a personal, not an official capacity.”

“Then the personal capacity is my being here as Troy’s friend and supporting him as he meets the parents of the guy he’s dating.”

“Troy has already met us. He requires no support.”

“Nevertheless, that is the only reason I am here.”

He grinds his hips against mine and I feel the nudge of his hard cock on my mound. “Liar,” he breathes. But then he gives my neck one final kiss and releases me.

I step away from him, breathless, and realize we are all alone. Kiristen must have dragged Kiritela away with him. The sicortar sees my look and grins. “Did you think my son or your friends would protect you from me? No, my lovely. Here, it is I who rules. And protest all you like, but you will submit to me in the end. However, I am a patient man, Melinda, and I will bide my time. Come along now, let me show you inside.”

He turns to go in the house, and after a moment’s hesitation, I follow. We step into a wide atrium with the obligatory high vaulted ceiling, and I’m pleasantly struck by the cool, fresh air. By now, I have come to expect warm humid heat, only marginally cooler than the exterior. Now I come to think of it, Kirimor is wearing a long embroidered shirt over his usual loin cloth. Kiritela was also dressed, rather than wandering about half naked. In the chill of this air, that is unsurprising.

I look around, spying colorful artworks on the walls. Under my feet are tiles laid in an intricate mosaic pattern. The effect is bright, uplifting and yet also restful.

“This place is beautiful,” I murmur.

Kirimor turns back with a smile. “Thank you.”

He continues on his way, and I walk slowly behind him, looking about me and taking in the majestic beauty of his home. We walk under an archway, and I catch my breath. We have entered a large, circular room, one side of which is decorated with a variety of artworks and family portraits, and the other side decked in floor to ceiling glass windows with a dramatic view of the sea. It almost feels as if we are perched on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the endless expanse of blue below. It’s breathtaking.

I stand, rooted to the spot. “Oh my,” I whisper.

Kirimor looks pleased with my reaction. “This is my favorite place in the house. Come over and sit here. You will get an even better view of the sea.”

I remove my shoes, placing them carefully to one side, and go over to the padded bench laid on the floor, overlooking the window. I lower myself to the comfortable cushioned seat and cross my legs, taking in the view. From here, the horizon where the sea meets the sky is directly at eye level. I’m so hypnotized by the glorious view before me, that I don’t utter a word for several minutes. Kirimor sits silently beside me, letting me gaze my fill. Eventually, I’m aware of him pouring me a glass ofnariand sliding it towards me. “Thank you,” I murmur. “This is amazing, Kirimor. You are very lucky to have this.”

“Yes, I am blessed.”

We sit quietly, enjoying the peaceful beauty of the landscape before us, not feeling the need to talk. My anger and frustration from earlier has ebbed away. Now, I’m aware only of contentment and calm. I hadn’t realized quite how restful the sicortar’s presence could be.

The peace is shattered some time later by the clamor of voices as several people enter the room at once. I see Kiritela, accompanied by her older sister, Kirimara, who I met at the university when I gave my talk. “There they are!” cries Kiritela and launches herself into her father’s lap.

He wraps her in his arms. “Were you looking for us, little star?”
