Page 72 of Melinda's Choice

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She screeches in excitement and swims back to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. “Again!”

So, I throw her up in the air once more. She swims back and clasps me around the neck again but is distracted by something over my shoulder. “Look pa, it is Melinda! Is she not pretty?”

I swing around to get an uninterrupted view of my Earth female making her way on the sand towards us. My appreciative eyes take in her long golden legs and the swing of her subtly curved hips as she walks. And her breasts. The children were right. They are indeed beautiful—just the right size to fit snuggly in the palm of my hand, delicately rounded pale flesh with puckered teats a shade of pinkish brown.

She walks, her back straight, shoulders wide, eyes fixed on me in challenge. “Very pretty,” I rumble in answer to my daughter, not taking my gaze off Melinda. She dips her toes experimentally into the water, then reassured, splashes her way toward us. As she gets closer, she dives under the surface, emerging a moment later before us. She shakes the water out of her hair in delight.

“Wow, this is wonderful! Such clear water and just the right temperature!”

“Did you see me up in the air, Melinda?” asks my youngest. “Pa, throw me again.”

So I oblige and throw my giggling daughter up in the air. She lands with a splash, shrieking with laughter. My heart fills with joy at her happiness. At this age, she is easy to please. I know her delight in these simple and innocent pleasures will not last forever.

Melinda laughs. “That looks like a lot of fun.”

“Then you have a turn,” I say gleefully.

“Yes, Melinda! Let pa throw you up in the air. He is very strong!”

My daughter is proving to be a formidable ally. I do not wait for my Earth female to protest. I grab her around the waist and pull her close to me, feeling those wondrous breasts nestle into my chest. I look into her lovely face, the melting brown eyes, cute little nose and soft full lips. I cannot resist a taste of them. I kiss her, running my tongue over the soft berry of her bottom lip. She holds out at first, but soon enough parts her lips with a sigh, allowing me entry. Oh yes, she can protest all she likes, but she wants me, just as much as I want her. My tongue brushes over hers, getting my first, delicious taste. The hands on my chest give up trying to push me away and dig into my flesh, the nails scoring my skin, marking me. I grunt and deepen the kiss. I know I should stop before I am past the point of no return. We are not alone. I indulge in one last taste of her, then without warning, I flex my muscles and send her flying backwards into the air. She screams in surprise as she falls back into the water with a loud splash.

Kiritela claps her hands in delight. “Did you like it Melinda?”

My Earth female splutters and casts a glance at me before panting, “Sure. That was fun. Now, how about showing me those plo shells?”

As they wade out to the shore, I see Kiristen and his new love appear, followed by Kirishar and the other Human female. Absently, I study her bare form, noting the paler white skin of her breasts and dark pink teats. They are not unpleasing to the eye, but beyond noting the difference in appearance, they do not interest me overmuch. My eyes stray to Melinda, who is digging in the sand with Kiritela and looking for plo shells. Nowthatfemale interests me very much indeed.

My eldest son runs into the water, chased by the Earth male, Troy, who catches up and pulls him roughly to his chest, nipping him on the neck. Kiristen squeals delightedly. They frolic together, barely aware of anyone else’s presence. I watch this scene unfold in fascination. I do not think I have ever seen my son act quite like this. Usually, he is the one that does the chasing, pursuing pretty boys with a remarkable persistence until he gets what he wants. Seeing him so under the spell of this man from Earth has me wondering. Could this, finally, be the one as Kiristen claims? My heart tightens painfully. I want only happiness for my son, but this outsider is sure to return to his home planet in due course and leave my boy heartbroken. Please Taya, let it not be so.

The Earth female, Avery, approaches me in the water and engages me in some chitchat about this or the other, which I barely register. My mind is twisted with worry over my son and the rest of my attention is fixed on Melinda, busily picking plo shells with Kiritela. As she laughs with my daughter and admires the dark pink shells, my chest tightens with a new worrisome emotion. I grunt a non-committal reply to Avery, then say, “Excuse me, I am going to go for a vigorous swim. I shall see you all shortly.”

I do not wait for her response. I turn and dive under the surface, cutting through the water with strong, deliberate strokes. I swim far out into the sea, trying to empty my mind of all thought with the physical exertion. After a time, I stop to catch my breath, treading water and turning to see how far I have come. The house is a mere dot on the horizon. I feel a trickle of guilt for having strayed so far. Dresolor will have to hold up the lunch repast even longer than anticipated.

With a determined deep breath, I ready myself for the long swim back to the shore but stop as something large bumps me from behind. I whip around quickly in fright, then let out a relieved chuckle. Wise gentle eyes regard me in a large, dark gray body that bumps me again in friendly greeting. “Hello Turi, it has been a long time my friend.”

Turi nudges me again.

“Have you been spending time in the oceans of the southern sector?” I ask. “I have not seen you in a while.”

Turi makes a low whistling sound.

“Did you find yourself a mate there?”

The creature emits a clicking noise, telling me no.

“I am sorry to hear that, my friend. Perhaps in the next season.”

I give her a gentle tap. “I need to get back. They are waiting for me to eat the lunch repast. Will you give me a ride?”

Turi whistles her agreement. I settle myself on her ample back and hold on tight to the top fin, just in time as she surges forward, zipping through the water at top speed. Before long, we are close to the shore, which is empty of people—everyone now back inside. I thank Turi and slip off her back. With a snort of her spout, she disappears once more into the blue. I swim the remaining distance and step out of the water, making my way back to the house. The swim has done me good, and I have calmed my mind. I do not know what the future holds for my son, or for me, but I know this. I want Melinda more than I have ever wanted anyone in my life, and I am going to make her mine.

Chapter 24


Kirimor has disappeared into the distance. I saw him speak to Avery as she bobbed about in the water next to him, her naked breasts jiggling in his line of vision. I’m a little shaken by the spark of fury I felt on seeing her so close to him wearing so little. A voice in my head wanted to shout, “Keep away! He’s mine!” Ridiculous, I know. I have no claims on the hot priest, and no intention of following through with whatever it is he thinks we’ve started.

That I’m intensely attracted to him is self-evident. I’m not going to lie to myself about that. Even worse, when he has me in his clutches, my willpower deserts me and I turn to goo. As I admire the plo shells Kiritela and I have found, I try not to think about how good it felt to kiss him. I try not to think about that tail and how wet I became as he held me captive. I try not to think about his dark eyes that burn into my soul and promise untold pleasures. Most of all, I try to forget the look of pain in his eyes as he spoke of his mother’s death, the look of pride on his face as he spoke of his eldest daughter’s achievements, and his joy as he swung his youngest up in the air—because all these things represent chinks in the armor I need to form around myself when it comes to him. I cannot catch feelings for the sicortar, the man who has a harem of women at his beck and call to satisfy his every sexual need. Do I really want to add my name to the list?
