Page 74 of Melinda's Choice

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“I wonder where the sicortar has got to. Is it even safe to swim so far out alone?”

Avery raises a brow. “I’m sure he knows what he’s doing. Nobody seems concerned about it.” She sees my frown. “Hey, Melinda. Don’t tell me you’re falling for the hot priest?”

“Of course not!” I snap, then feel bad about having raised my voice.

“The way he grabbed you when we arrived… seemed like he was staking his claim.”

“I’ll admit he was getting a little frisky, but I’m handling it,” I reply with confidence.

“Or you could go with the flow and enjoy.”

“Avery, have you seen that bevy of females he keeps in his household for his sexual pleasure?”

“I’ve asked about this. He only needs them when he’s performing his holy ceremonies—you know, like he did that first day on us. Apparently, the act of going into a trance and sucking in other people’s negative energy has the effect of making him incredibly horny, so that’s what they’re there for. Don’t think of them as his girlfriends or anything like that. They are literally there to service his needs as he performs his priestly duties.”

I stare at her in astonishment. “You seem well informed. Who told you this?”

She looks smug. “I may or may not have grilled our friendly liaison officer, Desimar, about this.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this before? This kind of information needs to go into our reports.”

“I’ve written it up. I can send it to you in time for your weekly report.”

“Ok, thanks.” I think about it a little more. “Even if that’s what they are primarily there for, the fact is that he has several women living in his home who he has sex with, and who he has fathered children with. It’s all just too messy a situation for me.”

“Ordinarily, I’d agree, but look at the guy. Given the opportunity, I would not pass that up.”

I remain silent. I’m so tempted to agree with her, but the idea of sharing a man with other women… No, I don’t think I could do that. I’ve already developed possessive compulsions when it comes to the sicortar, as evidenced by my bout of jealous fury earlier against Avery. I don’t think I could stand to share him with anyone. He has his harem of women, and I’m not going to be one of them. So, I need to retain my focus, harden my heart, and keep my lady parts well away from the dangerous priest.

Something catches my eye. I squint, trying to get a better view. It looks like a person, whizzing through the water at high speed. Is he riding some kind of jet ski? No, that’s not it. I take out my communicator and use the zoom lens to get a closer look. It’s Kirimor, and he’s riding on some kind of large aquatic beast, holding on to its fin.

They slow down as they near the shore, and Kirimor dismounts, stroking the creature before it disappears from sight with a mighty whoosh. What on earth was that? I watch, dumbfounded, as the sicortar swims the rest of the way to the shore and starts walking back toward the house. I keep my communicator lens focused on him, ogling his strong, powerful body as he makes his way back here.

Beside me, Avery sighs. “That is one fine looking male, Melinda.”

“I know,” I whisper.

Chapter 25


We sit at the table, sharing our lunch repast. I have apologized profusely for holding it up. We make a large group—my five children, drashas and our three guests. Melinda sits far from me, on the other side of the table next to my middle son, Kirilor. I sense her trying to keep her distance, a cool expression on her face when she deigns to regard me.

It is the presence of my drashas that is doing this to her, for she was not like this with me before. But now, sitting surrounded by the five women that I fuck, it is something hard for her to ignore. I knew this would pose a problem, but I could hardly uninvite my drashas from the food table at their own home. I flex my arms and narrow my eyes.

The troublesome Earth female is just going to have to accept me the way I am. My drashas are there because I need to fuck them. It is just the way things are. This will not change things. I still fully intend to make her mine.

She looks up just then and sees the challenge in my eyes. Hers stare back at me coolly. I let my tail swish up in the air and point it in her direction, as a reminder of just what it did to her earlier today. She sees it, and a betraying quiver escapes her lips.Good.

“Some moremishu, sicortar?” asks a solicitous voice beside me. It is Pirofena, my latest drasha. She has settled well into my household, keeping her promise to love and serve everyone in my home devotedly. I know she has been very supportive in looking after Kiritela when her mother has needed a helping hand with her. And of course, she has fulfilled her duties as a drasha admirably, taking every single pounding I’ve given her during my holy trances. I have not gone easy on her, fucking her with all the need and abandon that my trances bring out in me. And she has not only taken it all, but she has enjoyed it too, climaxing on my cock time and again. Yes, I am most pleased with her, so of course, I smile benignly and reply in a teasing voice, “Only if you will feed it to me.”

She hastens to oblige, lifting two dainty fingers holding the delicious green ball to my mouth. I part my lips to take the offering, and reward the pretty fingers with a lick of my tongue. As I do so, I glance across the table at Melinda. If looks could kill, then hers would be striking me dead this very moment. Her dark, fiery eyes spear me, flashing with fury. Then quickly, she drops her gaze and composes herself, returning to the cool ice queen of before.

Oh Melinda, you do not fool me. You want me just as much as I want you.

Her jealousy is revealing of how much she desires me, but there is no need for it. She has my full attention already, if she but knew it. My drashas are no threat to her. However, it is fun to poke the beast. Turning toward Pirofena, I drawl, “Mmm, so tasty. Almost as good as this.” And I nuzzle her neck, giving it a quick nip that makes her emit a surprised, pleased moan.

My eyes cannot resist straying across the table, but this time, my frustrating Earth woman is resolutely staring down at her plate of food. I am almost disappointed until I see her left hand shredding the tablecloth. I watch her closely as she continues eating, face set in stone, while her fingernails unconsciously scratch the thin fabric covering the table. Except that now, instead of exulting in her jealousy, I am hit with a sharp stab of pain. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt Melinda. That same tight feeling in my chest returns. I still cannot put a name to it; the feeling is foreign to me. Not one of my drashas, not even Merostena, my longest serving companion, has ever made me feel like this. I am not sure I like the feeling.
