Page 75 of Melinda's Choice

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I wait until the meal is over, then as they stand, readying to leave, I approach Melinda from behind and snake my tail around her.

“Kirimor! Let me go.”

I bring my mouth to her ear. “Never.”

A clearing of a throat brings my head up to see Troy, watching us a little nervously. “Erm, sicortar, thank you for hosting us for lunch. It has been a pleasure, but we need to be on our way.”

I let my gaze settle on his, eyes never wavering. “The pleasure is mine, Troy. I will let Kiristen escort you and Avery back home. Melinda and I still have some business to conclude, and I will see her home later.”

He tries one more time. “Melinda? You coming or staying?”

I tighten my tail around her. She could protest. She could insist on leaving now, and I would be honor bound to let her. I am not that much of a monster. The tail is merely reminding her that she belongs to me, and how much she likes what I do to her. She weighs her options quickly, then makes the right decision. “It’s ok. I’ll see you later.”

He hesitates a fraction longer, but Kiristen tugs at his arm, nudging him away. “It is fine, Troy. My father is an honorable man. Let us go.”

And with that, they turn to leave. I send a prayer of gratitude to Taya for my wonderful children. They have been most helpful today in my quest for Melinda.

Once they have gone, and with them the rest of my family to their various rooms in the house, she mutters under her breath. “Now will you let me go?”

Slowly, I unravel my tail from its noose around her. “Come with me, Melinda.”

“Where are you taking me?”

“I thought you might like to see the rest of my estates.”

Her suspicious gaze is tinged with curiosity. “The rest of your estates?”

I smile innocently. “When I became sicortar, I was gifted with this large tract of land on which I have built my house. It extends up into the mountain you see behind us. In those uplands, the climate is fresher and there are fertile valleys in which I grow a vast variety of crops as well as breed animals. Everything we eat in this household is grown on our land. I thought you might like to see it for yourself.”

“I would very much like to. Do you mind if I film what I see on my communicator?”

“Not at all. Come now, let us get into my drone.”

I curl my tail around her waist to lead her out. She stops dead in her tracks. “Kirimor, this is ridiculous. Can you please stop putting your tail around me like this. Believe me, I am quite capable of following you without being on a leash.”

I hold back from blurting out the immediate thought that comes to me.But I like having you on a leash.

“Melinda, seeing as you have no tail of your own, perhaps you do not understand how it functions for us beings who do. My tail is as part of me as my hands are. When I wish to show special favor to the female I am escorting, I do so with my tail. Think of this as Krovatian gallantry. Now please, come with me.”

She begins to walk with me but says tartly, “Strange then that none of the many officials I have met these last few weeks have wrapped their tail around me, let alone touched me with it.”

“I did say it is a mark of special favor, my lovely. I do not put my tail on just anyone.” With this, I tighten my grip on her, letting the tip of my tail stroke the underside of her breast tantalizingly.

“Kirimor,” she breathes as the tip moves to touch one puckered teat straining against the fabric of her dress.

I do not respond but keep walking her to my drone, caressing her lovely teat and feeling her reaction. By the time we reach my drone, she is breathless, and not from any exertion. I open the door for her and help her aboard, then settle in beside her. Her face is flushed, but she does not speak.

“Melinda,” I begin, my voice husky.

She does not respond, so I touch a gentle finger to her cheek. “Stop fighting this, my lovely.”

Now she looks at me, her eyes flashing. “And what? Become one of your many women? Think again Kirimor. This thing we have going on,” she points back and forth between us, “is not going to happen, no matter how attracted I am to you. I. Don’t. Share.”

I start the engine and take us up in the air. Only then do I trust myself to speak. “This is who I am, Melinda. Accept it. I cannot change my life to suit you.”

“I don’t expect you to. That is why, we are not going to happen.”

I switch tack. “Are you telling me, Melinda, that you are not also involved with another person? Remember, I checked your aura that first day you arrived. I detected sadness at the loss of someone dear to your heart.”
