Page 77 of Melinda's Choice

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She gives a little laugh. “We have a saying back on Earth. ‘All roads lead to Rome.’ It stems from an ancient Earth civilization centered around a city called Rome, whose power expanded and created a great empire. The Romans were known for building a network of well-engineered roads in every corner of their empire, all of which led back to their city. In modern times, the saying is used to mean that you can use different methods to get the same result.”

“I like that. We could amend the saying to, all roads lead to the same higher being.”

“Yes, although it doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.”

I place a quick kiss atop her head. “Perhaps not. Keep talking, Melinda. I love to hear about your world. But first, tell me more about this ex-mate of yours. Why are you not mated anymore?”

“I’m beginning to think it’s because I’ve been a bad wife to him.”


“Our word for a female mate.”

“I see. Why do you think that?”

“My job was more important to me than the relationship. I left to become Earth’s ambassador on the planet Mars. He stayed behind on Earth.”

“A job will not keep you warm at night, Melinda. Nor will it nurture you with the love and affection we all need.”

“And that is why you, sicortar, have devoted your life to a job that deprives you of a mate.”

“I had little choice in the matter. Perhaps I am speaking from experience when I tell you a job is a poor substitute for a mate. And Melinda, call me Kirimor when we are alone.”

She sighs. “You’re not wrong, Kirimor. It’s just…”

She takes a long time to continue, so I prompt, “Just what, my lovely?”

“I come from a relatively poor family. Neither of my parents ever went to college or got a decent education. All their lives, they have strived at menial jobs. I wanted something different for myself. It took a lot of single-minded determination to get to where I am. First, getting a scholarship to college, then clawing my way up the career ladder. It wasn’t easy for someone with a background like mine. I suppose this struggle to make something of myself has come to define me as a person. It matters a lot to me that I’m not some lowly-employed, forgettable individual, but Melinda Garcia, someone who has made a name for herself.”

“It is certainly an achievement to be proud of.”

“Yet it has come at a price. I didn’t think it would. Wyatt and I seemed like we were on the same trajectory. We met in college, and we were both high achievers, people going places. Then somewhere along the line, Wyatt got off that track we were on. He wanted an easier life, less stress, so he gave up his incredibly successful career to become a chiropractor—that’s a type of therapist who works on your joints to relieve musculoskeletal pain.”

“A very worthy profession.”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t. He loves what he does and gets great satisfaction from helping relieve people’s pain. But stepping off that conveyor belt to become a chiropractor created a mismatch in our lifestyles. He comes home every day at a reasonable hour while I’m constantly on the clock, in meetings, out and about. Even before I left for Mars, we barely saw each other during the day. I could tell he wanted me to slow down, spend more time at home with him. I just couldn’t get off that career path like he did, not after all the hard work and sacrifice it took to get me there.”

“Even if it meant losing your mate?”

“Even if it meant that.” She looks down at her feet, face sad. “It makes me sound like not a good person.”

I stop and face her. “No, my lovely, just a flawed, complex individual, like all of us.” I pull her into my arms and capture her lips in a gentle kiss. At least, that was the intention. But somehow, the kiss becomes a lot less than gentle as I ravage Melinda’s lips, desperate for a taste of her. I feel her sigh as she allows my tongue to plunge into her mouth and tangle with hers. We feed on each other, our hunger stoked with every touch. Her hands come up to twine in my hair, pulling at the short strands as she kisses me back with just as much need as I am feeling. I lose myself in her, never wanting this kiss to end. With every touch, that crushing feeling in my chest resolves itself into a clear knowing.Oh Melinda. My love.

With a gasp, she pushes herself away, her breaths coming in and out in sharp pants. “No, Kirimor. Not this.”

My tail rises to her face, stroking gently. “Yes, my love, this.”

“No Kirimor, we are not doing this.”

She stomps away, but I quickly catch up and wrap my tail around her. She acknowledges the gesture with a slight falter in her step but doesn’t stop. We continue walking, nearing the outbuildings that house my animals. I wave at my groundskeeper who approaches us with his slow, ponderous gait.

“Jenisor, how goes it today?”

“All well, sicortar. The bilos have been milked and we are just on our way to gather the dren into their enclosure before we return to our homes.”

“That is good. This is Melinda, from the planet Earth. I will be showing her round then going to the cabin.”

He bows his head respectfully. “Welcome, Melinda.”
