Page 78 of Melinda's Choice

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She smiles. “Thank you, Jenisor. It’s good to meet you. I am most impressed with what I have seen so far.”

“It is all due to the sicortar’s great vision and leadership.”

“And your hard work too, I’m sure.”

“Ah, we try to do our best. Enjoy the rest of your day. Peace be with you.”

With that, my grouchy, loyal henchman turns to go. Melinda watches him a moment as he disappears round the corner, then addresses me. “He seems very dedicated to his sicortar.”

“As it should be.”

She echoes with a laugh, “Of course, as it should be.”

For the next three beats, I show her around my lands, though by mutual accord, we pause the personal discussion and focus simply on the beauty and peace of our surroundings. Melinda exclaims with wonder at what she sees and asks many questions. Her communicator comes out at frequent intervals to record her explorations, and I know that from a work perspective, our time here has been a fruitful one for her. It remains to be seen what is to be achieved on the personal front. As I guide our footsteps back to my cabin, I still hope to persuade my lovely Earth female to submit to me and become mine. The task, I know, will not be an easy one.

Chapter 26


I’m conflicted as we reach Kirimor’s picturesque cabin after our tour around his estate. I have no doubt he plans a seduction in that love shack of his. Part of me, the sensible, intellectual part, scoffs at the very thought of my giving in to the horny priest with a harem. The other part… well that’s a different story.

It’s not just the physical attraction, although my God that’s intense. There’s something else as well. Earlier, as we spoke about my marriage to Wyatt, I felt truly seen and understood. As we walked with his tail wrapped around me, I was strangely comforted. As much as I want to typecast Kirimor as a horny priest, I know there’s more to him than that. There are so many facets to this intriguing man.

Then again, I’m also conflicted because of Wyatt. It’s laughable really. Separated for three years and divorced for more than six months, yet I still feel married to him somehow. Why does it seem as if I’m cheating on him by being with Kirimor? Wyatt and I—we’re done. I invited him to come with me to Krovatia, and he turned me down. I’ll love him till the end of time, but he’s not my husband any longer. I’m free to be with whoever I want.

Yes, but a priest who fucks five other women as part of his job? My head tells me to resist, resist, resist. And I will try my utmost to. Perhaps I should insist on returning home right this minute. That is the sensible thing to do.

But I won’t. I want to spend more time with this man who makes me feel so good. I just have to make sure things don’t get too heated.

We step inside the cabin, a large A-frame structure clad in dark wood, with a massive skylight window on one sloping side of the roof. The interior consists of one spacious open-plan room simply furnished with a kitchen area and low-set dining table on one side, and on the other, a low-lying bed positioned right under the window. At night, it must feel like sleeping under the stars. Next to the bed, leaning against the wall, is some kind of string instrument, and beside it is a cushioned bench on the floor, much like the one in his house overlooking the sea. Along with the bench is a small side table on which reposes a beautifully bound book, whose title is written in large Krovatian script. At the far end of the room, I notice a door, presumably leading to the bathroom.

It’s obvious to me from one quick glance that this is not a place that Kirimor’s extended family visits. This is exclusively his space.

Kirimor lets me walk in ahead of him and take a curious look around. He goes to the kitchen area and opens a cupboard built into the wall. From it he withdraws a rounded bottle filled with a pale yellow liquid and two sets of glasses. He places them on the side table, nudging the book aside.

“Take a seat, Melinda,” he says in his low, gravelly voice.

I slip off my shoes and lower myself to sit on the bench. He joins me and pours the liquid into both glasses. I hear it fizz. “What’s this?”

“It is Lom. It will make us feel mellow, without losing sight of our senses.”

“Some kind of alcoholic drink?”

“No, as I said, it will not make you lose your senses. It has a chemical in its composition that affects your nervous system and brings a profound sense of calm. It also tastes delicious. Try it.”

He sees my hesitation and laughs. “Melinda, I will not use any wiles to seduce you. This is just what I say it is. Something to make us both relaxed and mellow.”

I take the drink from him and try a little sip. It tastes like sherbert, tart with a sweet, fizzy kick. Encouraged, I drink some more. Beside me, Kirimor sips from his own glass, gazing at me in amusement. “So, what do you think?”

“I like it. When does the mellow feeling come?”

“Give it a beat.”

“Ok.” I drain my glass and Kirimor pours me a second shot.

We sit in peaceful silence, enjoying the Lom. Finally, Kirimor speaks in a low, murmuring voice, “So you parted from your husband, but he still matters a lot to you. Is that not so?”

“I love him. I always will.”
