Page 9 of Melinda's Choice

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“Will there be repercussions on them?”

“There will,” responds Pravol. “We have increased the price of some of the commodities we export to them and put a temporary stop to our imports of dorenium. However, we have not ceased trading with the Krovatians entirely. Their supplies of medicinal plants are too important for us.”

“That is not to say that we have become enemies,” adds Shuban. “Far from it. We still see the Krovatians as our allies, but we wish to make our displeasure at their actions clear. We also wish to avoid a repetition of these recent events by improving our communications with them.”

“You will know,” says Pravol, “that the Krovatians are a very secretive people who keep to themselves. We will be telling them that if they wish to continue being our allies, they must open up a little more.”

“Yes,” I nod, “that’s understandable. Will they agree to open things up, do you think?”

Pravol hesitates, as if not sure whether to share this next piece of information with me. Then, he says, “There is talk of opening up diplomatic relations between our people. I understand our authorities are currently negotiating terms for a mission of Venorians to go live on Krovatia and vice versa.”

“Wow, that’s a big step forward!”

“It is.”

“I suppose there is no hope that they would also accept a mission from Earth on their planet?”

“It is not an impossibility, given that Krantor’s mate is a human. Once we return to Ven and report back on our findings, I am sure we will be more than willing to vouch for your race as peaceful allies of ours. However, one must be prepared for the likelihood that the Krovatian authorities will say no.”

I file away this piece of information, undeterred. It may take time, but I see the potential for eventually developing diplomatic relations between ourselves and the Krovatians. It’s definitely something I need to discuss on my debrief at the White House when I get back.

We continue our conversation as the meal progresses, but there are no other significant nuggets of information to emerge. Once the meal is over, I bid them goodnight and hurry home to my apartment. I open my front door and toe off my shoes. “Athena, call Wyatt.”

A moment later, his handsome face smiles back at me from the confines of his bed. “Hey gorgeous, how was your dinner with our Venorian friends?”


“I thought it might be. I haven’t talked politics with Pravol, but I know he’s been in touch with his people since that Saraxian attack.”

“He has, and what he had to share was very interesting, particularly with regards to the Krovatians.”

I give him the gist of the conversation. He listens attentively as I recount what Pravol and Shuban said. Eventually he says, “I can see the wheels turning in your mind, Mel. You’re thinking about the possibility of a human mission to Krovatia further down the line.”

“It’s all to play for, Wyatt. From what I hear, the Krovatians are rich in many valuable minerals and medicinal plants. What a coup for us if we could negotiate our way into trading with them.”

“You mean, what a coup for you.”

“It’s my job to seek out extra-terrestrial opportunities,” I say, a little stung.

“I know.” He sighs. “We haven’t discussed what your plans are once your term on Mars comes to an end.”

“I’m not sure yet what I want to do. I’m going to use these four weeks of leave to sound people out and explore possibilities. Hopefully by the end of that, I’ll have a clearer picture of my prospects.”

“But what is it that you want to do after Mars?”

I shrug my shoulders. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

“Are you planning to return to Washington?”

Again I say, “I don’t know.”

Sadness seeps into Wyatt’s eyes. “I see,” he says flatly.

“Wyatt, let’s not argue. I can’t wait to get back to Earth and see you. And I’m so looking forward to our vacation. Let’s take things a day at a time. I know we need to talk about the future and we will.”

“Ok. That’s fair.”

We talk a little more, then bid each other goodnight.
