Page 8 of Melinda's Choice

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I park and dismount just as the door slides open and passengers begin to stream out. I spot my Venorian friends immediately, their height making them easily recognizable. Pravol and his soon-to-be mate, Treylor, walk hand in hand, followed by the rest of their team. I wave to them and they head towards me, smiling. “Welcome back to Mars,” I say, then approach Treylor first for the customary greeting.

She touches her forehead to mine, and steps back with a big grin. “I see you are very excited to return to your home planet and see your mate again.”

My mouth quirks into a smile I can’t contain. “Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

By now, Pravol is also greeting me, touching his forehead to mine. As he pulls away, he tells me in his usual grave manner, “Wyatt has talked of little else but the vacation the two of you are taking. He cannot wait to be re-united with you.”

My heart constricts. Ex-husband or not, I’ve missed him. Apart from two short weeks last year, we’ve been separated for nearly three years. We’ve survived on a diet of regular communicator calls and remote sex. There hasn’t been anyone else for me, and I don’t believe there has been for him either. I could be wrong. We’ll need to have a conversation about our status, and soon.

I greet the rest of the Venorians, inviting them to partake of dinner with me later this evening. With help from my assistant, Luis, I arrange transport for all to the cabins they will be staying in overnight. Then I’m on my way back to my office and to the ten million and one things on my agenda before I take my leave of absence.

Later that evening, I finally sit back at the large dinner table I got Luis to reserve for us at Pico, the premium restaurant on Mars. I take a grateful sip of my wine and ask Treylor, “So, how did you find Earth?”

Her eyes warm with humor, she pronounces, “It was an interesting experience.”

“Not a raving endorsement,” I say with a chuckle.

She cocks her head to one side. “I greatly enjoyed meeting many different humans and finding out about their way of life, but my absolute favorite thing was when Wyatt very kindly invited us out to watch a performance of the ballet. That, I adored.”

“Yes, Wyatt told me how much you enjoyed Manon.”

“It was simply beautiful, and I cried so much at the end. Poor Pravol became much concerned.”

He places a hand on top of hers. “My heart, you know that I do not like to see you cry.”

“I know, but those were happy tears.”

“I see that now.”

Watching the absolute care and devotion Pravol lavishes on Treylor has my heart constricting again. Once, I too had my knight in shining armor. I’m still not entirely sure where things went wrong.

I decide to change the subject. “So, I gather you have heard about the Saraxian attack on Ven.”

They all nod, looking grave. “My brother Prilor was badly injured in the attack,” says Treylor. “If it was not for Krantor’s quick action in saving him, he would not be with us anymore.”

“I’m so sorry Treylor,” I murmur. “How is Prilor now?”

“He is on his way to a full recovery, thanks be to Lir.”

“I’m glad.”

“That is why we are anxious to be on our way back to Ven as soon as possible,” says Pravol.

“I understand the Venorian ship will be here by morning.”

He inclines his head.

“And what of the Saraxians?” I enquire. “How are your people going to deal with them now?”

“The Kran is keen to avoid an all-out war,” replies Shuban. “However, we will be drawing up a new exclusion zone, wider than the one in our previous peace treaty with them. They will now not only have to steer clear of the Utar belt, but of an extensive ring around it. We have also imposed a trade embargo on the Saraxians, making it clear we will not do business with any entity that trades with them.”

“Will that be enough to deter them?”

“That, I do not know. However, in his address to the people, the Kran made it clear that increasing our planet’s security is a top priority. My guess is that we will be expanding our fleet of ships patrolling the area around the exclusion zone.”

“And what of the Krovatians?”

At this, Treylor cries out, “They did not tell us about the powerful effects of boral crystals. That was not well done of them! As you may know, we recovered a box of these crystals when Krantor detained a Klixian ship illegally travelling through the Utar belt. Had we known how dangerous they were, we would have engaged far stronger security protocols and avoided this entire attack. But the Krovatians said nothing, even after we informed them of our find.”
