Page 91 of Melinda's Choice

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“Please, Rivlor.” I’m sobbing now. “I thought I could do this, but I can’t!”

“You can.”

My sobs get louder. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. What have I done? Someone get me out of here.

“Wyatt, stop this.”

But I’m out of control, screaming and sobbing, “Get me out of here!”

A sharp slap on my face silences me. I feel the burning sting on my cheek. I stop screaming and just shake in her arms, tears streaming down my face. The same hand that just violently slapped me is now stroking my hair. “Somewhat cute Wyatt, you will get through this. And when you do, I will reward you with the best fuck of your life.”

“I asked you to stop calling me that,” I snivel.

“I’ll call you what I like. Now be a good boy for me and hold still.”

The ship begins to tilt us backward. “Oh God, oh God!” I cry. We’re now reclined fully on our backs.

The hand on my head slides down to stroke my face. “Shh, you will be fine.” Soft fingers wipe away my tears. Beneath us, the ship’s engine gives a loud roar. I tremble. She runs her thumb along my quivering bottom lip. “Open up, big boy.” I don’t question her, just do as she asks. She plunges her thumb into my mouth and some long forgotten instinct has me sucking on it. “Good boy,” she croons.

I glow at the praise and suck harder. The roar of the engine becomes louder, a massive rumble reverberating through my body. I focus on the thumb in my mouth and keep sucking. The next few minutes are a blur of noise, vibration and force. Throughout it all, my lips are clamped around Rivlor’s thumb as if it’s a lifeline. I lose sight of where, who or what I am. I simply exist in this cocoon of warmth surrounded by loud rumbles, my only purpose to suck a thumb.

It takes me several minutes to realize we’re sitting up straight again and that the loud roar has gone, replaced by a low humming as we cruise through space.I did it. I’m in space!

At around the same time, I realize I’m still sucking on Rivlor’s thumb. Reluctantly, I open my mouth to let it out. It slides away, leaving a wet trail on my chin. We stay like this a moment longer. “Thank you,” I murmur.

She pats my cheek. “I told you it would be fine. Now, come on. Let me unstrap you.” With that, she efficiently unties the straps from around us. I shift myself forward until I’m able to stand, and she follows suit. The other crew members cast a look at us, the pity on their faces barely hidden. Well, that was an emasculating experience. I feel myself flush, embarrassment flooding in now that I’m no longer in a panic. Yeah, that’s me. Wyatt Garcia, snivelling fool, who sucks on a grown woman’s thumb. Jesus, can I sink any lower?

Rivlor must sense something of what’s going on in my mind because she taps me on the shoulder and says, “That was brave Wyatt. You did well. Now follow me.”

I try to ignore the stares of the other people present, and walk after her on legs that feel like jelly. I follow her back down the corridor in silence until we reach a door, which she taps to open. “These are my private quarters,” she says. “You may want to use the facilities and wash yourself.”

Another reminder of what a fool I’ve made of myself. “Thanks,” I mumble, and head in the direction she points to the washroom. Inside, I quickly relieve my full bladder and wash all the tear trails and snot off my face. I use a clean towel hanging on a rack to dry myself, then examine my reflection in the mirror. My eyes are still red-rimmed and puffy, but otherwise, I look like my normal self.

I let myself out of the bathroom and find Rivlor sitting on the edge of her bed. She observes me calmly as I come to sit beside her. “So, now do we have a deal?” I ask.

She smiles. “Yes, Wyatt, we have a deal. Can you be ready to leave in two rotations?”

“I’ll be ready.”

There’s something else I need to ask. Should I go there? What the heck. “There’s also the other deal you made.”

“Ah yes. Anytime you want us to fuck Wyatt, just say the word.”

“I love Melinda.”

“I know you do, but you are attracted to me.”

There’s no point beating around the bush. “Yes, I am. Who wouldn’t be? That doesn’t mean I should act on it.”

“How long have you and she been unmated?”

“It’s been seven months, but we separated long before.”

“And in that time, you have fucked others?”

“No, I’ve been faithful to Melinda all through the decades we’ve been together, and I mean to keep it that way.”

She whistles. “That is a very long time. I cannot imagine it for myself, for I like to stay free to fuck whomever I please, but I respect you for it, Wyatt. We shall speak no more of this.”
