Page 92 of Melinda's Choice

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“Thank you.”

“We need to head back. I am sure you have much to do to get yourself ready and I too have much business to conclude.”

The feeling of dread makes an unwelcome come back. “Will the return to Earth’s surface be as terrifying as the take-off?”

“No, it will be easier I think. And I will hold you, like I promised.”

“Thanks, Rivlor. For everything.”

“It is my pleasure.”

Chapter 28


I come awake slowly to a feeling of being surrounded by warmth. An instant later, I realize why. My face is burrowed in the crook of Kirimor’s neck, breathing in his addictive male scent. I’m wrapped securely in both his arms and his tail. Further down my body, a powerful leg has me pinned tight to him. There is no escaping the sicortar’s embrace.

Not that I want to. Despite the stickiness of our skin where we are pressed against each other, I feel snug and safe, the steady rise and fall of his breaths a comforting lullaby. I close my eyes and take a few moments to enjoy my closeness to this incredible man.

Yesterday, he said he loved me. He talked of becoming my mate. We’ve somehow bypassed the casual fling stage and gone straight into long-term relationship talk. I should be running for the hills. Instead, I seem to be running headlong in his direction. I’ve only known him a few weeks and already, I yearn for him.

It seems crazy. There are so many obstacles and complications, not least the harem of women he keeps in his household. I laid down the gauntlet last night. One hundred per cent fidelity or else no deal. The thought of him sinking his body into that young nubile drasha of his has me wanting to pull out my claws and scratch her eyes out.

He murmurs something in his sleep and shifts, tightening his hold on me. Even in slumber, he’s staking his claim. This great powerful man wants me. And there’s no denying I want him too.

What about Wyatt?

My mind strays to the man I’ve loved for more years than I can remember. I picture him in his last message, rumpled blond hair and bright blue eyes crinkling in his warm, familiar smile. My chest tightens in yearning for him too. I miss him so much.

Two very different men, and yet I want them both. I can’t have my cake and eat it though. I have to make a choice, but I don’t think I can. Not yet. Wyatt and I—we still feel like unfinished business. Can it ever be over between him and me I can’t imagine cutting the cord and severing our lives permanently. He’s just too much a part of me. If he ever managed to overcome his fear of flying and join me here, I’d have a familiar partner who I could trust, and there would be no other women to sully the waters.

And then there’s Kirimor. Undeniably, he makes me feel like no one has ever before. Could I walk away from whatever this is between us? Can he put an end to his career as a sicor and promise me fidelity? It’s still too much of a long shot. As if he hears my thoughts, he grunts and slides his hand down my back, stopping at the dimples above my ass cheeks. His splayed hand pushes me into his groin, and his massive erection.

“I can hear your mind whirling with thoughts,” he grumbles. “Stop thinking female and just feel.”

“I’m feeling it, Kirimor. It’s hard not to.”

He chuckles and pokes me with his erection again. “Say the word, my lovely, and I’ll slide this thick long cock all the way inside you. I’ll give you a fucking like you’ve never had before.”

“Not happening.”



He turns us so I’m lying on my back, his large body covering mine. He imprisons my arms above my head while his tail unravels from around my waist and snakes its way down to my mound. With uncanny precision, the tip finds my clit and begins to flutter.

“Ah!” I gasp.

“If you won’t have my cock, then maybe you’ll take my tail. Hmm?”

I don’t get a chance to respond as his lips descend on mine, his tongue demanding entry. I suck it into my mouth greedily, revelling in the intoxicating flavor of him. He plunders my mouth, devouring me with his kisses. His tail, meanwhile, continues its massage of my clit, making my core throb and release the sticky juices of my arousal.

Kirimor bites my bottom lip, then sucks it into his mouth. I moan, lost in sensation. I lick his bottom lip then capture his tongue with mine again in a sloppy, wet, hungry kiss. I can’t get enough of him. I rub my hips against him, wanting more. Suddenly, his tail is no longer on my clit. I barely have time to mourn its loss before I feel it slither down to my slit and push its way inside me. In it goes, and keeps going until—

“Ah,” I scream as his tail finds my G-spot and begins to rub against it back and forth.

Kirimor captures my mouth again, sucking my tongue with his as his tail continues its unbearable friction deep inside me. I’m unravelling, coming apart. Logical thought is impossible. All I can do is lose myself in him. And then I’m there. My core pulses and throbs as a powerful orgasm washes over me. My internal passage spasms over and over, imprisoning his tail inside me in a choke hold.
