Page 96 of Melinda's Choice

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This larger aircraft we’re on is some type of regular shuttle between the different sectors of the planet, used by business people and dignitaries, as well as ordinary Krovatians. There are around sixty to eighty people on board by my rough estimation, and they look at me curiously as I pass them with Desimar to get to our allocated seats. The liaison officer places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Do not mind them,” he whispers into my ear.

We reach our seats, towards the front of the plane and sit ourselves down. Like all Krovatian seating arrangements, they are set low on the floor and wide enough so we can sit with our legs crossed. I am beginning to get used to this floor sitting business. I’ve been doing yoga poses daily to strengthen my posture so that I can sit on the floor without slouching.

I make myself as comfortable as possible and tug the safety belt around me. Beside me, Desimar opens the tub which contains the now familiar warm, scented cloths, and takes my hands between his to wipe them clean.

I submit to the ritual with a smile as I examine my escort from under my lashes. He’s somewhere in his late twenties, if I were to hazard a guess, with a fit, leanly muscled body covered in the obligatory Krovatian body art. His shoulder length black hair is braided in a fashionable style I’ve noticed on several other young men—the older Krovatian males seem to prefer to keep their hair cropped short. He’s a handsome guy, and I’d be telling a lie if I said I didn’t enjoy the attentions of such a fine looking and attentive escort. That’s not to say I’d flirt with him or treat him as anything more than a colleague. Kirimor really has nothing to worry about.

“Thank you, Desimar,” I say as he completes the cleaning ritual on my left hand and takes my right one.

“It is my honor.”

“Have you been to the southern sector before?”

“Yes, many times. My family and I have vacationed there on several occasions. It is a very beautiful part of the planet. We stayed in cabins right in the heart of the rainforest, some of them built into the trees. We would go foraging for fresh herbs and wild berries, go fishing in the rivers and swim in the rocky pools filled with crystal clear water. Such wonderful times we had. If possible, I would love to show you around.”

“That sounds amazing, Desimar. I would definitely like that.”

A commotion ahead of us has me looking up. There is one more passenger boarding the flight, a person who seems to be attracting more attention than I did. At first, I don’t see who it is, as he is preceded by his assistant, but a moment later, I spy long powerful legs. My pulse quickens. My eyes travel up those legs, lingering over the loin cloth that barely conceals the well-endowed appendage beneath. Surely it’s not him. But as my gaze travels upwards, I meet a pair of black glittering eyes that burn into my very soul. Kirimor. His eyes travel to my hand, still held by Desimar as he wipes it clean, and his nostrils flare. He comes to stand before him and says in an icy, condescending voice, “I believe you are in my seat.”

Desimar gets to his feet respectfully. “Sicortar, there must be an error. I am here escorting the Earth representative, Melinda Garcia.”

“That is where you are wrong. Melinda is with me. You may sit behind next to my assistant.”

“B-but—” At Kirimor’s imperious stare, he quickly changes his mind. “Of course sicortar, my mistake.” With an apologetic look at me, he moves to the row of seats behind us and settles himself down next to Kirimor’s assistant, someone I know goes by the name of Sholinar.

I turn to the person in question, ignoring Kirimor. “Sholinar, it’s good to meet you. I have heard so much about you from the sicortar.”

Sholinar looks at me in pleased surprise. “The honor is mine, Melinda. I too, have heard many good things about you, not only from the sicortar but also from all his children.”

I beam at him. “They are delightful aren’t they? Well, Sholinar, I hope you have a pleasant journey. I’m sorry to deprive you of the sicortar's company.”

He snorts. “That is not a problem at all. I get enough of his company at home. Please, enjoy your journey.”

“Thank you, I will.”

Finally, I turn back to Kirimor, whose lips are set in a tight line of annoyance.

“Sicortar. To what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?”

He glares. “You know very well, Melinda.”

“Keeping me on a tight leash?”

“The tightest possible.”

He takes hold of my hand. “I said no one was allowed to lay a finger on you.”

“I could hardly say no to a long established Krovatian custom, could I?”

“Now, you will not have to, for I shall be here beside you the whole time.”

“Don’t you have more important matters to see to as sicortar?”

“I do, and fortunately, these important matters align with my accompanying you to the southern sector. You shall stay in my quarters tonight.”

“I believe we are booked to stay—”

“You will stay with me, Melinda.”
