Page 29 of Bartender Mate

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As though reading the mischievous turn of my thoughts, she pressed her stubborn lips even tighter together.

We held that one delicious, endless moment until Asteroid reared back to fit his cock against me with a soft growl, pushing his thick girth between my ass cheeks before slowing to plunge deep inside me. Sawing in and out until he was seated deep, his knot already beginning to expand.

When my lover’s hips finally meant mine, we both let out a primal roar.

Unfortunately, the sound of our coming together jolted our mate out of her trance. The crash of glass hitting the floor broke the brief spell of sweet relief as Asteroid had seated himself, filling me up with the vastness of space and the comfort of home.

My eyes flew back open, my mouth already forming a plea, but the white pads of her feet and the streaming of her auburn hair–streaked with the purple of our scales–was all I could see as she disappeared up the stairs to her apartment.

“She won’t hide long,” Asteroid assured me, biting into the tender muscles of my neck and sending a shockwave down my spine. “She wants us.”

“Fuck yeah she does.” Shoving the worry from my mind, I panted, pushing back onto his cock, needing the stretch of him to reach my climax. My hips worked themselves back into the cradle of his hips, forcing the half-inflated knot in and out of my hole, the pressure building in my own cock. “Ast,” I whined, grinding my hips back into his, needing more. “Make me cum. I need to feel this–us–right fucking now.”

“Well,” he purred, sounding every bit the satisfied Drakon male he was. “Seeing as you asked so nicely.”

Asteroid’s hand enveloped my cock, squeezing tight down on my own knot and tugging hard until all I could see was the endless starscape of pleasure. White hot eruptions made their way along my skin and curled my toes in ecstasy. Then, with a final stroke, my mate buried himself irrevocably inside me and his knot locked us together.

I screamed as I was rolled under that familiar wave of pleasure and pain which I could never get enough of. Thick ropes of white cum painted the newly laid sheets, while my mate grunted out his own orgasm against my back.

Once we were both done, Asteroid carefully turned our locked bodies to the bed, curling around me to stroke up and down my side. I smirked into the pillow he’d carefully arranged beneath my head as he peppered my shoulder and neck with gentle, soothing kisses. My rough lover always turned into a gentle giant right after one of his earth-shattering orgasms.

The rumbling purr of his satisfaction was all the reassurance I needed to know everything was going to work out. That, and the memory of Tess’ beautiful lips forming that first silent ‘O’ of shock as she realized what was about to happen between two of her intended mates.

My smile deepened and I sighed in contentment as my eyes drifted shut.

Right on the cusp of sleep, the door of the bar slammed open. Suddenly alert, but brain still obviously addled from the recent hormones, my mate and I tried to jump to our feet, still locked tight. The pain that laced up my spine was nearly blinding as we fell back to the bed with a morose grunt.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Radon shouted, throwing the pillow he had retrieved at the both of us where we laid, wincing on the bed. “You’re supposed to be protecting our mate, for fuck’s sake.” He picked the pillow back up and wacked Asteroid good with it. “You’re fucking useless knotted together like this.” The next blow of the pillow fell on my shaking shoulders. Laughter pealed out of me, tears running down my cheeks. “Stop laughing, you bloody idiot, and get the fuck up.”

“Can’t,” Asteroid choked out as hits from the fluffy pillow continued to rain down on his own shaking shoulders. “Not while you keep doing that.”

“Getting off on being beaten by a fucking pillow now?” Radon grumbled, dropping the pillow to the floor and leaning over us. “You came all over the damned sheets, too.” He shook his head in exasperation. Of course, his frustration only made me laugh all the harder. “I leave for one fucking minute.”

“You were gone for like half an hour, minimum.” Asteroid sighed happily, pulling me up into his lap, his cock still tightly knotted into me. The shift made my own cock twitch. “Fuck, Radon, you might as well get down on your knees and finish Quasar off, or we’ll be here all night.”

“Fuck you both.” He leaned down, picked up a discarded pillow and stomped back out.

“You should probably go talk to him,” I finally said, once I was done losing it. Leaning back against my mate, I watched the newly closed door. “He probably needs a good dicking, too. It’s the stuff of stars, your knot.”

“He needs something,” Asteroid grumbled. He fell back to the bed, his arms around my chest, holding us together as his knot slowly deflated. “You wanna clean this up while I go talk him down?”

“Can do.” I lifted my chin to where the broken glass was still on the ground at the base of the steps. “Might get that, too, before someone steps on it.”

“I love you,” grumbled Asteroid, nuzzling my neck. He clearly didn’t want to be on surly asshole mate duty. “You know that, right?”

“Get the fuck out of here with your mushy shit,” I laughed again. “Go lay it all over Radon, he needs it.”

Asteroid grabbed his jeans and pulled them up his hips, leaning down to leave a smacking kiss on my lips. “Fuck me with all this drama.”

“I’ll fuck you good and proper just as long as our mate watches. I’ve never wanted to cum at the power of a look before but our intended nearly cleaved me in two.”

“Yeah,” Asteroid agreed. “She does seem to have that super power, doesn’t she?”



“Knock knock.”
