Page 30 of Bartender Mate

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Not him,I groaned silently to myself.Please, anyone but him.

Thanks to this infernal magical tether, I already knew who was at my bedroom door. It was the mooney-eyed one. Quasar. The optimistic Misfit who seemed hell bent on not letting anything get him down. Not even my determination to hold him and his bonded mates at arm’s length.

This guy was dangerous. Out of the three purple-skinned hotties, I’d already pegged Quasar–with his liquid sunshine smile and his endless sex appeal–as the most likely to wear me down. Meanwhile, I’d been stuck up here tossing and turning for half the damned night.

My cheeks burned with prickling awareness at his proximity. However, I didn’t intend to admit I’d been kept wide awake after his little show. I knew damned well Quasar had orchestrated it so that I got a front row seat and, for what seemed like an eternity, I’d been powerless to do anything but watch. Asteroid had been power incarnate as he pounded into his mate who’d accepted all of that ferocious desire and only wiggled his chiseled ass for more.

However, in this maelstrom of hormones, denial was my life raft. One I intended to cling to until it was ripped from my hands.

So I waited him out, careful to keep my breathing even, but the prick didn’t move. Nor was he in a hurry to leave. It seemed he was content to watch me fake sleeping. I gnashed my teeth in silent frustration. Going for broke, I added in a light snore. Not very ladylike but needs must.

The lame attempt only earned a soft chuckle which made my blood fizzle like champagne had been injected right into my bloodstream. “Can I come in, Tess? We should talk.”

He kept his voice light and breezy, but I could feel his intent to interrogate me was rock solid. Quasar thought this–whatever star-filled fuckery stretched between us–was something you could talk out and come to some sort of agreement which would make sense.

Optimism really didn’t cut it to describe the sort of insane positivity which had floated this Drakon so far away from reality.

As a rule, I didn’t trust overly happy people. It usually meant life had gone far too easy on them thus far and so the moment shit didn’t go their way, they’d probably fall apart.

If Quasar had managed to get this far without being hit by a major event, then he was long overdue. I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing that beautiful light in his eyes get stomped out and I certainly didn’t want to be the one to do it. But I couldn’t jump into that make-believe land of his and pretend all of this shit was going to work out, either.

Magical mating mojo not-withstanding, life was complicated and messy. It didn’t come with some fairytale happy ending where everything worked out just ‘cause you cared about one another.

My parents had been happy, too, but that hadn’t saved them when Fate had come calling. Sometimes you just hit a patch of black ice and that was it. Lights out. Do not pass go. Do not collect two hundred dollars. Do not kiss your baby girl goodnight.

Still, there was no denying the effect his presence was having on my body.

A cheap thrill raced through my veins and stroked along my nerve endings, begging me to cave and invite him closer. And the longer Quasar remained there, in my doorway, the more of his essence permeated my sanctuary. Tickling my nostrils with the promise of a campfire and the distinctive musk of a male who’d recently sweated up a storm in the throes of passion.

Hours later and my pussy still clenched and wept at the thought of being left out of the action. The sultry fire burning in Quasar’s eyes as he’d been fucked six ways to Sunday by Asteroid had just about put me in an early grave. I’d stumbled down to the kitchen, half asleep, to get a glass of water and walked in on them going at it in the middle of my fucking bar.

Naturally, I’d been shocked into absolute stillness as I took in the sight of the exquisite males glorying in each other’s bodies. When the pair came in a primal roar of ecstasy so grand and otherworldly it didn’t sound even remotely human, logic had overridden horny and I’d hot footed it back upstairs before I could do something stupid.

Like join them.

“F’off Quasar,” I ground out and flipped over in my bed to hide my head under my pillow like a teenager. “Trying to sleep.”

“Me too, mate,” Quasar sighed. “But it’s no good. My mind just keeps going round and round, thinking about burying my head between your legs so I can feast on that sweet nectar between your thighs.”

With effort, I bit back a gasp of desire at the image his brazen words provoked. Prick was laughing at me. I could hear the teasing grin in his voice so I growled, sat up, and threw my pillow at where the Drakon was leaning–half naked, just a pair of low-slung boxers on his hips–in my doorway. He side-stepped the attack with a delighted grin.

“Why the fuck are you naked and standing in my doorway like a sexy stalker, Quasar?”

Despite the angry protest, I couldn’t stop my greedy eyes from taking a nice long tour of the feast all laid out on display. My nipples went rock hard with the wanting. The lean and muscular planes of his exposed body caused my lady bits to clench all over again while the mark on my neck throbbed in eager recognition.

Could this sexy slab of alien male really be meant for me? The notion was utterly ridiculous. Annoyed, I slapped a hand over the patch of skin, as though swatting a mosquito, and Quasar’s knowing grin only widened. His skin pulsed a deeper purple in reply to my glare.

“I come bearing condolences.” He waved the spoons and a tub of ice cream in my direction. Damnit, I recognized the label. It was my favorite. I could really go for a serve of double choc fudge right about now. Bastard must have raided my emergency stash. “I’m sorry if we pushed you too far, too fast. I just–fuck, Tess–you are really sexy when you devour us with your eyes like that. But I’m not here to push you now. I’ve been dying to try this Earth delicacy and I could feel your busy mind so I thought I’d share the sugar rush with you.”

“How nice of you. Seeing as you raided my deep freeze, and all,” I scoffed and waved an exasperated hand down at my singlet top and boxer shorts. “I’m not dressed for ice cream in bed with a hot stranger.”

His gaze took the motion for the invitation I hadn’t intended and lust burned bright and true until, with a determined swallow, he banked it. I refused to give into the impulse to yank the blankets up to my chin and hide from his hungry stare.

“Neither,” Quasar growled. “May I join you? Promise I’ll keep my hands to myself if you do.” He offered me a sultry wink.

“I don’t think so, fuck boy,” I scoffed and swung my legs out of the bed, grabbing a hoodie and tugging it quickly over my body so I was better covered. “Though I could definitely go for some ice cream.” I shrugged and hopped off the bed, shooing him out ahead of me so I didn’t have to feel his smoldering gaze at my back. “But there’s no way I’m letting you sit on my bed. I’d be under or over you in a second. We’re going back downstairs.”

“Works for me,” the male replied, kicking off the door jamb and wandering away down the hall. “But don’t think that’ll stop me from bending you over that countertop if you give me those ‘come hither’ eyes again.”
