Page 24 of Where We Fall

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He’s not ready to reveal Lucy Landon’s identity to the world yet, and I respect his decision. Clarissa deliberately placed the Lucy Landon books out so I would see them because she wanted someone else to discover Linc’s secret. She wanted someone to share his burden of anonymity and encourage his passion of writing when she eventually passes on. For now, he's content remaining anonymous and working with Piper, his VA. His fourth book,Into the Fall,apparently inspired by yours truly, became a best-seller, proving his past success is not a coincidence. He’s started a new series, and getting plenty of inspiration for the romance from real life scenarios. Especially the kissing scenes.

Being the center of attention is not my thing at all, but as this party is in my honor, I slowly make the rounds. My work colleagues toast me with their wine, and I clink my sparkling water to their glasses. Maisie is noticeably absent, but not missed. I really feel sorry for her, but if it wasn’t for her vindictiveness, then perhaps I’d still be carrying the burden of my affair with Tripp around, trying to hide my shame from my family and Linc. Her article was written on a hunch, but proved to be closer to the truth than she realized. I only hope Maisie can move on from whatever grudges she’s holding onto.

Every so often, I glance across the room and find Linc watching me. His lips curve into a smile, and I feel the physical pull toward him, no matter where I’m standing. My heart swells with love for this man who has given me so much joy over the past few months.

“Congratulations, sis.” Aaron and Zane take turns hugging me as I meet up with them near the buffet.

“Thank you.”

“I’m so proud of you.” Jenna squeezes me tight before Mia almost bowls me over with her enthusiastic embrace.

I can’t help but grin at my niece’s exuberance. “Where’s Blake?” I crane my neck, searching the room, and spot him over by the bar with a familiar head of blonde hair. Emily’s waving her hands around, and I recognize the frustrated look on her face. “What’s going on with those two?” I nod in their direction.

“Who knows?” Jenna replies.

“They’ve been at each other ever since you got here,” Aaron chimes in.

Interesting. I’ve noticed the tension between her and Blake whenever they’re together. They constantly wind each other up. I’ll have to ask Emily what my brother’s done to make her so upset this time.

After greeting everyone in the room, I make my way back to Linc who welcomes me with open arms. I lean into his chest and wrap my arms around his waist. “This is so lovely, but I’m spent. I’m all peopled out. Do you think anyone will notice if we sneak out?”

“As long as you’re not running away, I don’t think they’ll mind.”

He grabs my hand, and we make our way outside, the cool air a welcome reprieve from the toasty warmth of the restaurant. Stars twinkle from the night sky, and a sweet, earthy scent from the vineyard fills the air.

I slip off my heels and exhale a sigh of relief. Give me flats any day. Women who wear heels for hours are an anomaly.

“It’s crazy how much has changed in six months.” Contentment settles over me as I lean against the railing.

“In a good way, I hope.” Linc’s hand wraps around mine and I press into his side, craving his touch.


My article about Clarissa's life appeared in a few news publications and a well-known women's magazine. Since then, I’ve been contacted to write more human-interest articles. It seems unknown achievers and those who’ve overcome hardship are more interesting to read about than those famous for doing nothing.

Hugh has granted me flexible work hours, for which I’m truly grateful. It means I can spend more time with Linc, and exploring new places without the interference of his grandmother.

Clarissa admitted to playing matchmaker. Apparently, she thought I was perfect for her grandson the moment we met. Her efforts to throw us together under the guise of research were very cute. But you won’t hear us complaining.

There’s still one person I’m dying to interview, but even if it takes years, I’ll wait until he’s ready. For now, I’m happy knowing Linc’s secret.

Linc wraps an arm around me and rubs a thumb over my shoulder. I smile at the simple, yet tender, touch that reminds me of Aaron and Jenna, and I can’t help the overwhelming sense of gratitude that I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.

“Have I told you I love you, Penelope Reilly?” Linc presses a kiss on my temple.

“Not in the past hour, Lincoln McArthur.” I nestle into his side, unable to contain the grin on my face. Standing here underneath the twinkling stars, with the vineyard in the distance, wrapped in my man’s arms, I’ve never been happier. A lot has changed in the past year, and although my time with Tripp will always be a dark stain in my memory, I’m grateful that my mistakes brought me back home. To Autumn River. To my family. To the man I’ve fallen head over heels in love with.

It’s funny how we’re back in the same place we met. That night I was running away from the shadows of my past. And tonight? Let’s just say the future looks very bright indeed.

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