Page 71 of Quadruple Daddy

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We left the office building and found ourselves back in the parking lot. The entire exchange took less than half an hour. It was hard to believe that a property worth millions could be sold in such a short amount of time. Then again, usually there would be negotiations involved in a land deal but with our girl’s lives on the line, there was no room for arbitration.

“So what now?” I found myself asking that a lot these days.

I looked at the three brothers who had dealt with Tony most of their lives.

“We wait. We should be hearing from him very quickly—” Before Roman could finish the sentence, Gabe’s phone went off.

“Speak of the devil.”

Gabe answered the call.


I couldn’t hear what Tony was saying, no matter how close I got to Gabe’s ear.

“We did what you asked, now tell us how we get the girls back,” Gabe said.

There was some talking on the other end, then Gabe’s face immediately turned red. He began yelling into his phone. “No, that wasn’t the deal, Tony. You said we sign the contract, we get the girls—nothing about waiting until the deal closes.”

“No way,” I said. “Give me the damned phone.”

“We are not fucking waiting until the contract closes. The lawyer said it could take months.” Gabe tried to keep the phone out of my reach, but I managed to fight him for it, ripping it from his hands.

“Listen to me, you fucking piece of shit,” I seethed. “Those babies need their mother, and we are not going to wait until the property closes. You’re going to give them to us now.”

I don’t know what I expected to hear, but laughing wasn’t it. Tony let out a dry chuckle, as if what I had said was entertaining or even adorable.

“Then you better hope the contract closes quickly, and without a single hiccup.”

Before I could say another word, the line went dead.



“They can’t keep our babies, we can’t let them keep them,” Bella said, her hand still holding tight to my phone. “Those assholes are going to give them back to us.”

“I know where they’re keeping the girls,” I said.

“You do?” Bella asked.

I nodded. “When Tony showed them to us earlier, I noticed a window that looked outside as he scanned the room. I know that it’s Tony’s estate, we’ve been there before as children and played in that very same backyard more times than I can count.”

“Then we go there and demand they give us our babies back,” Bella said, already turning to head for the car. I gripped her shoulder and stopped her.

“It’s not that easy,” Roman said before I had a chance to. “Tony’s place is as secure as Fort-fucking-Knox.”

“Yeah, and he’s not going to listen to our demands,” I added.

“So what? We just sit on our hands for the next few months and hope that he’ll give them back to us?” Bella asked. Her face was red with frustration, and I knew that she would fight like hell to bring our girls home.

I would too.

“No, I’m going to break in and get them back.”

Roman sighed.

“I’m in,” Dante said without a moment’s hesitation.
