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I smile and say nothing. As soon as the helicopter is out of sight, I drive straight to Brooke’s house and knock on the door.

She answers and says, “Aiden! I wasn’t expecting to see you until tomorrow.”

“I know,” I reply. “I’m sorry for the unannounced visit. I just need to have a real conversation with someone after a week of utterly mindless drivel.”

She laughs and invites me inside, and all is right with the world again.


Key Player


It’s still difficult to believe that I’m important to the operations of the Vipera fortune. I certainly understand the stakes. That’s not difficult to understand at all. International business is becoming increasingly interconnected and multinational corporations are expanding overseas. As a result, international business negotiations have become an integral part of global business. The differences between cultures, languages, laws and ethical standards of different countries can lead to complications in international business negotiations.

International business negotiations can be complicated because of cultural differences. In different cultures, values and beliefs, including what is important in business, can vary dramatically. These differences can play a significant role in negotiations and present challenges such as misunderstandings, misinterpretations, and disagreements. For example, in some cultures, indirect communication may be appreciated while direct communication may be seen as rude or impolite. In other cultures, punctuality may be highly valued while in others it may not be a priority. These differences can create a challenging environment for negotiations, making it difficult to build understanding and mutual trust.

The legal contract essentially replaces all that. If a lawyer understands the language and specifics of various contract styles, it’s kind of like a clear and definitive, proscriptive way to ensure the negotiators are on the same page.

Another factor that can complicate international business negotiations is language. Language barriers can make it difficult to convey messages accurately and meaningfully, which can lead to misunderstandings and unsuccessful negotiations. Additionally, translation and interpretation services may not always fully capture the nuances of a language. It can also be difficult to gauge the tone and intent behind a message when communicating in a foreign language. This can lead to misunderstandings and unintended confrontations.

Again, the legal process ensures both sides see the negotiation and the end result is the same terms. Of course, part of what makes my job important is that legal and ethical standards across different countries can be unique and complex. Different countries may have different laws on trade, taxation, intellectual property, and labor. These differences can impact negotiations and can even be a deal-breaker. I’ve put the nix on several deals because I’m not confident the contract will be enforced in certain countries regardless of its legality. I’ve also had to dramatically alter compensation involved in a contract because it’s highly likely access to our intellectual property will cause us to lose money in the future.

But why me?

I mean, I’m doing a good job, but there are lawyers with decades of experience. There are lawyers who have been doing this for longer than I’ve been alive. I can’t be the best lawyer for the job.

Except I feel like I am, and that’s what’s really crazy. I feel like I truly am the right person, like somehow magically I’ve been placed exactly where I belong and where I can do the best work.

Oh, it’s weird to factor dishonesty into negotiations. I mean, factoring it in without an ethical dilemma. Differences in ethical standards play a big role in negotiations. Companies from different cultures may have different approaches to bribery or corruption, which can lead to conflicts of interest and affect negotiations. You have to focus on that. In some cultures, like American culture, bribery is taboo and corruption is viewed as evil. That’s not to say it doesn’t exist, just that it’s viewed as deplorable.

In other cultures, bribery is seen as a matter of course. In fact, they don’t even call it bribery or corruption. In many cultures, gift-giving is seen as a part of negotiation, and if you don’t offer a bribe or a kickback, it can send the message that you don’t respect the other person or don’t really want the deal to go through.

It’s critically important to know what the expectations are when negotiating with people of different cultures. Mistakes can be very costly in situations like this.

Cultural differences can also extend to negotiating styles. Depending on the country, people may approach negotiations differently. In Japan, for example, the style is often collaborative and consensus-driven while in the United States, negotiations can be more confrontational and direct. These differing approaches can lead to difficulties in negotiations where parties are not familiar with each other’s approach, which can create misunderstandings and miscommunication.

I don’t know why I seem to be able to alter all of my negotiating style based on the people opposite me. I don’t know why I can, but I can. I don’t understand why I can somehow understand the legal intricacies of, for example, Luxemburg, when it’s relevant to a deal. It comes to me as though it’s kindergarten mathematics.

I guess it’s no different than people who have talents in other fields. Mohammad Ali is generally considered to be the best boxer of all time, and there’s good reason for it. Where other legendary boxers train for years and years to reach a level of peak performance and skill, Mohammad Ali seemed to just naturally possess a talent so far beyond others that even the best boxers in the world looked clumsy and ineffective next to him.

The same can be said about people like Michael Jordan, Serena Williams and Wayne Gretzky. Each of those individuals were at the absolute pinnacle of their respective fields the way I’m at the absolute pinnacle of mine.

The difference is that even when these individuals were humble, they still carried themselves with an understanding that they were the best at what they did. Mohammad Ali certainly never acted as though there were any other boxers who could even approach him.

I just don’t see myself that way. At least, not until now. I’m beginning to see it now, though.

And I can see why Aiden says that I’m so valuable to the family. I hate to say it, but at first, I thought he was only saying that because we’re having sex, and he was trying to sweet talk me. Now, after eight months, I finally begin to see that he’s serious about it.

I finish the day’s work and smile as I reflect on everything I’ve accomplished. It’s incredible to feel that I have this beautiful house and all of these wonderful perks for a good reason.

And it’s even more wonderful to know that I get to share it with the most wonderful man on Earth.

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To say that Michael Jannsens appears nervous is an understatement. A better word would be terrified.

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