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“You don’t get a lot of visitors?” she asks. I don’t know if she’s the type of woman who would want visitors. I sure as fuck don’t.

“None since I’ve been here,” I respond, shaking my head. She keeps staring at me with pretty brown eyes that make me nervous as fuck. She’s way too pretty.

“How long have you been here?” she asks. “And do you have more of that cheap ass beer?”

I grin. A woman after my own heart. So far, she’s ahead of me, which makes me feel a bit better about my drinking. If she’s drunk, maybe she won’t remember anything stupid that I say or do. Still, I should slow us both down. It’s hard enough keeping control of my dick now.

“Eight years,” I tell her. “And you can have more beer once I finish mine.”

She smiles at me and nods. “Okay. Eight years. So you didn’t grow up here?”

“No, ma’am. I grew up in a little town called Ithaca. I’m sure you’ve heard of it.”

She originally lived only thirty minutes or so north of Ithaca, so of course she’s heard of it. But thankfully, she hasn’t heard of me. If shehadheard of me, one look at my name would have turned her off. I’m glad my greatest shame hasn’t followed me to my hometown at least.

“You know damn well I’ve heard of it. You read my profile,” she says, immediately calling me out. I don’t bother denying it. I spent $350,000 on this woman, so there isn’t a point in denying that I did my research. It’s not like there was that much out there.

“Yes, ma’am,” I respond.

“And you chose me over all the other girls? Why?”

I give her a quick once over. What kind of answer does she want from me? The truth or a lie? I don’t know if I can tell Trinity why I chose her. Maybe I thought it would be easier to keep my hands off a black girl. Maybe I thought she wouldn’t want me at all.

Neither of that matters now that I have her here right in front of me. My heart might have been in the wrong place when I had intentions to keep my hands off her, but Trinity is too damn fine for me to resist. I need more alcohol.

I finish off my beer and get both of us a second beer before I answer.

“You’re pretty. Well-educated. And… I wanted a woman I thought I could resist.”

Honesty appears to be the wrong choice.

“I see,” she says. “So you arenotattracted to me? Right?”

She’s staring at me with wide, dark and completely terrifying eyes. I don’t know what type of answer she wants to this type of question. If I admit my attraction to her, she might not want anything to do with me. And this type of confrontation with a woman who clearly doesn’t shy away from it…

I don’t think I’m ready.

“No. I’m not.”

She looks disappointed for a second. No. I must be mistaken. Because then she looks relieved.

“I lucked out,” she says. “I sold my life to a mountain man who doesn’t even want to fuck me. I bet half the girls on that site aren’t so lucky. Cheers to that, big guy.”

Big guy? Great. I’ve never been called “big guy” but something about hearing those words from her mouth gets my dick instantly hard again.

I am a fucking idiot. Why did I lie to her?

I wantthis woman so badly it hurts.

* * *



He isn’t attracted to black women. Holy shit. I expected things to be bad, but I didn’t expect them to be this bad and now, I feel embarrassed for putting in any effort at all. Nothing about Augustine has been what I expected. It’s not just the wolves or the fact that he’s tall and ridiculously handsome.

It’s the clean house and bedroom. The beer. It’s like he’s trying to make a good first impression, which doesn’t really match up to the notion that he isn’t attracted to me. Then again, maybe I’m right about the skin wearing thing.
