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How could I be so stupid as to piss her off this badly? I deserved more than a slap, but I can’t just stand there and let a little mouthy ass black woman hit me in my own kitchen. Maybe I overreacted. It doesn’t fucking feel like it because I feel like doing far worse now.

All her yelling and getting on and laying hands on me gets my heartrate up and because she’s a woman and she’s close, my wires are completely crossed and fucked up. All I want to do now is march up those stairs and teach her a lesson with my dick and a goddamn leather belt.

I can easily repay those slaps across the face by giving her a nice spanking on that big mahogany-colored ass. She’s my wife. I paid for this. I’m well within my rights to march up those stairs and demand she strip everything off that beautiful ass andgive it up to me.

I pace the kitchen like a horny mad man and I drink more beer. The beer might be a fucking mistake, but I need it. I need it as badly as my dick needs a soft pussy to sink into.

Just do it, Augustine. She wants your cock, you can tell. Establish some fucking rules in this house.

I thought if I pushed her away, I could provoke her disgust and convince myself not to sleep with her, but my actions have had the opposite effect. The way she blew up at me has stiffened my cock and my engorged dick wants to slide between those slippery lips and fuck her until I stop feeling so goddamn angry.

She walked up those stairs with my pussy…

I know marchingup those stairs and parting those lips with my dick would turn me into a real monster – fucked beyond belief by all my time alone. But I can’t help my normal masculine desires around an incredibly hot woman. She’s beautiful, hates me, and I want her so desperately to feel good around me. If I shut up and use my body to do that, maybe this could work. Maybe I can fix my bullshit by getting my dick wet.

I don’t have any control over my instincts. I’ve gone too long without sex and no normal, red-blooded heterosexual male could survive as long as I have without sex. Jim ain’t normal, so I’m not too worried about how he handles the cold winters. Most men up here become downright rabid around pussy after a few months.

Why the fuck should I think that I was any better?I certainly got more pussy than most of the men up here in my previous life. I left my promiscuous tendencies far in that past, but I could never quite kill my sex drive. Especially not throughout those painfully cold, painfully lonely winters. If I didn’t drink myself into a stupor, surely I would have gone crazy.

Old habits die hard though, because I’m drunk as fuck and instead of knocking me out, the liquor gives me the courage to walk up those stairs anddemandthe pussy I paid for.

I swear I’m too drunk to walk, but I make it up the stairs without stumbling, stubbing my toe or whacking the shit out of my shin. If she’s awake, she will definitely hear my ass shuffling down the hallway and if she’s smart, she’ll have a weapon and try to fight me off. Who am I kidding? This woman is definitely smart.

And I’m too fucking drunk for my own good. I push the bedroom door open, letting golden light from the hallway spill into the purple-black bedroom. Trinity sits up straight – no wig, no strange bald cap, justher… and something silky on her head. Another odd hat.Hm.

Her large, dark brown eyes gaze at me from the darkness. They glimmer because of the light from the hallway.

“If you sleep up here, I’ll go sleep on the couch,” she announces. Do I detect fear in her voice? It’s in my head. She can’t possibly suspect what I want from her. I don’t want her to suspect it.

“You will do no such thing,” I say calmly, entering the room and shutting the door behind me. My body relaxes instantly once I have the door shut and I have that wild ass woman confined to a locked bedroom. If she fights me and starts acting up, I’ll have far more control in this situation.

Behind her, I notice snow falling behind us. This early? No fucking way. Despite my drunken mind’s ability to wander, Trinity remains a very focused drunk woman. Technically, I’m not sure she’s that drunk. Maybe a little tipsy but nothing like me.I’m completely fucked up.

“What do you want, Augustine?” she says, sounding completely annoyed and turned off. I can’t let that affect me. I can’t allow myself to care about her feelings.

“I want you on your knees and I want those pretty brown lips around my cock.”

She grabs a pillow and defensively positions it in front of her body, as if a soft bundle of down could stop my cock from finding whatever hole I want to stick it in. I can already feel my dick rising in my pants. It’s not just her intense reaction to me, it’s the banter between us, the lust I felt from the moment I saw her…

“You aren’t attracted to me,” she says. “So I don’t think you want that. You’re just a weird drunk and I finally understand why you’re single.”

I bristle with anger.

“You don’t know a fucking thing about me,” I snarl at her. “And I don’t care to have a conversation. I came up these stairs to get my cock sucked. It shouldn’t be that hard to get those big lips around my micropenis.”

She glares at me and responds unapologetically, “I said what I said.”

“Get out of the bed, Trinity,” I command her. Is there any part of her that craves submission to me? Her response will tell me everything I need to know.

“Fuck you.”

I cross the room as she flies out of the bed, moving too quickly for Trinity to get past me. I grab her forearm and instead of throwing her directly onto her knees, I pin her to the wall. She yelps and scratches at me with her free hand.

“Stop it.”

“RAPE!” she yells. “RAPE!”

“Can you calm the fuck down?” I snap at her, pinning both her forearms above her head and utterly failing to calm her down. Once I have her pinned, Trinity’s chest heaves like a captured animal. My dick rises again. Why the fuck did she have to scream out “rape” like that? I haven’t touched her pussy. Or her ass. Fuck, I haven’t even kissed her.
