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“Bad girls don’t get to come that quickly.”

His hand fisted her hair and he began a series of slower but ever more powerful thrusts, pulling his cock back until just the tip was inside and then burying himself fully once more in her still bright red bottom.

“You’re going to come in a moment, Amy. But when you do, you’ll be screaming.”

She was close again already. Once more, he pulled her back from the edge with a viscous pinch to her clit. She cried out loudly. It wasn’t quite a scream yet, but it was close.

He continued the long, slow, deep thrusts, and as she approached what she knew would be an utterly devasting climax yet again, she felt his fingers on her clit once more… but they didn’t pinch this time. They just rubbed hard and fast, and almost instantly she tumbled into a desperate, screaming orgasm that never seemed to end.

He fucked harder and faster as she came. His thrusts dragged out her climax until she felt she might faint, and for a moment she wondered if she had. But then a series of firm slaps on her still stinging bare bottom brought her back to the moment and a terrifying thought struck her.

He hadn’t come yet.

She felt his hand tighten in her hair, holding her pinned and helpless to the table as his other hand took hold of her hip, and then he began to fuck her bottom in earnest. She had thought he had been fucking her bottom before, but she now realized she had been wrong. What she had gotten before had been a gentle introduction.Thiswas a bottom fucking.

Amy’s voice rose in a continuous combination of moan and wail, but when he spoke to her in something close to a growl she heard it over her own desperate cries.

“This is how bad little patients are fucked.”

After her last climax she had wondered if she would ever come again, and she certainly hadn’t thought it would even be in the realm of possibility for her to come yet another time right here and now over this table, but she soon realized she had been wrong about that too. She was approaching the edge and getting there fast. His deep, brutal thrusts drove her to new heights of shame, pain, and ecstasy so intense it felt like she might not survive it.

Then just as her climax began he pinched her clit again. Hard.

But this time the pain didn’t pull her back from the brink of climax, it pushed her over it. She screamed her way through an absolutely shattering orgasm, and as her body writhed and flexed, every muscle clenching tight, his already rock-hard cock stiffened into an iron rod. A moment later, she felt the first spurt of his hot seed deep inside her.

He stopped thrusting, and with his cock now buried to its full depth, she felt every pulse reverberating through her stretched anus as he shot every bit of his come into her thoroughly fucked bottom. By the time he was finished her climax had run its course at last, and she lay limp, sore, and damp with dewy perspiration over the table. He didn’t tell her to stay in position as he slowly withdrew his finally softening member, but she stayed anyway. Not because she thought he expected it, but because the idea of moving was outside of her comprehension in that moment.

What seemed like ages later, she heard running water and then felt his hands parting her cheeks before a warm, wet washcloth cleaned the lube and his seed from her burning hole. She would have blushed at this if she had any shame left, but instead she was merely grateful for the moment of gentleness. When he had wiped her clean he released her bottom cheeks, planted a quick kiss on each, and then stroked his fingertips gently up her bare back and over her neck.

Leaning down, he combed her disheveled hair into some semblance of order, gently kissed her cheek, and whispered, “You took your punishment well, Amy. I’m proud of you.”

In a series of movements she didn’t fully register until they were finished, he lifted her from the table and carried her in his arms across the room before taking a seat in the chair and setting her in his lap. As she sat there, his fingers stroking her hair, she felt strangely at peace. It wasn’t the thought that she had deserved the punishment that evoked that feeling—although she certainly had deserved it—it was the knowledge that she hadneededit. More than that, in fact, it was the knowledge that she’d needed it and he’d known that she needed it. She allowed her body to relax into his, finally giving in to her exhaustion and closing her eyes.


Six months later

Though it wasn’t unexpected, the knock on Dr. Davidson’s exam room door was nonetheless a pleasant interruption. He had been doing some truly, deeply boring paperwork for the last thirty minutes and the only thing that had kept him sane during the monotony was the thought of a very particular patient coming in for an appointment after everyone else had gone home. Standing up from his chair, he opened the locked door of his office and welcomed in the most beautiful girl in the whole building.

“Hello, Amy,” he said, using the clinical voice his little minx loved so much. “The message I received from the nurse said you were in need of a very thorough examination. Is that correct?”

“Yes, doctor,” she said, blushing, with her eyes downcast and a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

Reaching out and lifting her chin with his fingers, he continued, “The note also mentioned that you were in need of a long, hard spanking and then a very, very thorough fucking.”

If sweet old Nurse Jones had any idea the types of notes they pretended she wrote she would definitely have a heart attack, Dr. Davidson thought while admiring his naughty patient.

“Yes, doctor…” Amy replied in a mumble, continuing to avert her eyes.

The hottest thing about Amy—well, one of the hottest things, there were so many—was that Dr. Davidson had no doubt the blush he was seeing right now was one hundred percent real.

They had played this game several times, among many others, in the months since he had thoroughly examined, punished, and ravaged her before taking her to dinner later that same night. He had personally made sure over the next several evenings that Amy sat down—gingerly, on a sore, reddened bottom—and completed a stellar internship report, which had earned her a permanent placement with IAD. But even so, Amy had never fully gotten used to just how naughty it made her feel to be stripped bare, intimately inspected, and then treated to all manner of procedures—each as shameful as they were entirely unnecessary from a medical standpoint.

“Speak up, young lady,” Dr. Davidson commanded.

“Yes, doctor, sorry. I need a very thorough exam, and then I think I deserve to be punished. I’ve been feeling like a very naughty girl lately,” she admitted with the mischievous spark in her eye that he had grown to love so much.

“And why exactly have you been feeling like a naughty girl, Amy?” he asked with mock sternness.

“Well, I guess I should just show you, doctor,” she said before dropping to her knees and reaching for his zipper.
