Page 15 of Hunt me Darling

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In an attempt to wash away the remnants of their intrusion, I decide to take a shower, locking the door and pulling the window shade completely down this time. The warm water cascades over my body, providing a brief respite. As the steam envelops the bathroom, I let my thoughts wander, set on devising a plan to outsmart them.

Suddenly, a memory flickers in my mind. Mark was the last person I saw before I found myself in this unsettling situation. He brought me a cup of coffee, a gesture of kindness and an excuse for the opportunity to ask me out. But now, doubts begin to gnaw at the edges of my thoughts.

Could Mark be involved? Is he part of this sick game? It is a haunting idea, casting a shadow of suspicion on someone I thought was meant to be an ally.

Finishing my shower, I wrap a towel around myself, the cool air of the bathroom serving as a stark reminder of the chilling reality I face. Determined to uncover the truth, I internally resolve to investigate Mark's involvement further.

After getting dressed, I make my way to the office. The drive feels longer than usual, the weight of the situation weighing heavily on my mind. I need to gather more information, to connect the dots and expose those responsible.

On the way, I stop by the drive through café, unable to resist the now familiar routine that brings me a semblance of normalcy. I order my usual bagel and coffee, finding solace in the familiar flavors that provide a brief respite from the chaos of my life.

It surprises me to see some media personnel outside the office building as I turninto the parking garage. I check the time, realizing it is a little later than I arrived the previous day. I breathe a sigh of relief that they don’t leave the building entrance since I have no update to tell them and I could avoid them by using the parking garage elevator.

As I park my car and make my way towards the elevator, I try to maintain a composed exterior, despite the turmoil swirling within me. I am only moments away from pressing the elevator button when I hear a voice.

“Alex,” the voice calls out from behind me.

Turning, I see Tristan Winters striding casually towards me, his hands buried in his pockets and a smirk on his face.

I am not in the mood for his charm. “That’s Agent Darling to you, Mr. Winters,” I respond with a raised eyebrow.

Tristan chuckles, undeterred by my cold response. “So formal, Agent Darling. Don’t tell me the hard and grumpy Agent Matthews converted you to his way of thinking. Not all journalists are bad, you may even like me if you get to know me. Imagine the look of horror on his face if you did,” he gives an exaggerated look of shock, bringing his hand up to hover in front of his open mouth as he widens his eyes.

My lips twitch in amusement.

"Nice try, Winters," I reply, my tone softening slightly. "But I think we both know it takes more than a few witty remarks to win me over."

Tristan feigns a hurt expression, placing a hand dramatically over his heart. "Ouch, Darling. You wound me with your cold indifference."

I roll my eyes playfully, appreciating the momentary distraction from the heaviness of the situation. "Save your theatrics for someone who's impressed, Winters. I have work to do."

Tristan's smirk fades into a more serious expression as he takes a step closer. "I know you're focused on the investigation, and I respect that. But I can't help but feel there's more to this than what meets the eye. I've been covering crime for years, and sometimes an outsider's perspective can bring a fresh angle. I just want to help, Alex."

I pause for a moment, considering his words. While I appreciate Tristan's enthusiasm and his genuine desire to assist, I can't risk compromising the investigation or revealing sensitive information.

"Tristan, I understand your intentions, but this is still an ongoing investigation. I can't tell you more than what you already know," I respond firmly, meeting his gaze. "I need to tread carefully, follow the protocol, and protect the integrity of the case."

Tristan's expression flickers with disappointment, but he nods understandingly. "I get it, Alex. Just know that if you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of or a different perspective, I'm here. Our roles may be different, but I will alway be here if you need me."

I appreciate his offer, knowing that having an ally outside the confines of law enforcement can be valuable. "Thank you, Tristan. I'll keep that in mind."

With a nod, Tristan takes a step back. "Alright, then. I’ll let you head up before Agent Derek decides to hunt you down. If you need anything, just say the word."

"Will do," I reply, gratitude in my voice.

I turn back toward the elevator when a voice calls out from the entrance to the parking garage, "Tristan!"

I turn my head to see another man closing in on us, but there is a sense of familiarity evident in Tristan's reaction. "Agent Darling, this is my good friend, Max," Tristan introduces him, motioning towards the man who had caught up to us. He is a little taller than Tristan, with dark brown hair and eyes. There is a look on his face as though he found the whole world humorous.

Max extends his hand towards me, and I shake it firmly. "Nice to meet you, Agent Darling. Tristan here has told me a little about you and the case you're working on. Said you might need my expertise."

I raise an eyebrow, curious about Max's involvement. "Has he now? And what exactly does your expertise entail?"

Max's lips curl into a sly smile. "Let's just say I have unconventional means of gathering information. Sometimes, you need to go beyond the usual channels to get the answers you're looking for."

I exchange a glance with Tristan, silently questioning his judgment. He nods, indicating his trust in Max. It's clear that they have a preexisting professional relationship.

"I appreciate the offer, Max, but as I mentioned to Tristan, this is an ongoing investigation. I can't compromise its integrity," I state firmly, reiterating my commitment to following proper procedures.
