Page 16 of Hunt me Darling

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Max chuckles, unfazed by my response. "I understand your concern, Agent Darling. Rest assured, my methods are discreet and have a track record of success. Sometimes, the truth requires us to explore less conventional avenues."

I consider Max's words carefully, contemplating the potential benefits of leveraging his unique approach. While it goes against my usual instincts, the urgency of the situation and the lack of progress so far compel me to reconsider.

“I’ll think about it,” I concede.

Tristan sighs and reaches out to touch my arm. The move surprises me, but I don’t let it show. “Go on up, I’d rather not die today when a certain agent realizes we ambushed you.”

As we part ways, I feel a mixture of emotions. Tristan's presence is both a distraction and a source of support. While I'm determined to keep him at arm's length for now, I can't deny that his perspective might shed light on aspects I may have overlooked. And his friend could be useful to potentially find details we couldn’t find by conventional means.

Entering the elevator, I press the button and watch as the doors close, sealing me within the confined space. The stress of the case bears down on me once again, reminding me of the stakes involved. I brace myself for what lies ahead. It's time to uncover the truth and put an end to this, no matter the cost.

Chapter 9


Astheelevatorascends,I take a deep breath, steeling myself for the challenges that lie ahead. The ride feels unusually long, amplifying the anticipation and gravity of the situation. The rhythmic hum of the elevator provides a steady backdrop to my thoughts.

Tristan was right, when I step off the elevator to head to the office, Derek messages me, asking if I am okay and when I am heading in. I wave my phone at him as I walk in and set my breakfast down.

“Sorry, I was delayed,” I say as I slump into a chair at the table. It honestly feels like it has been an eternity since I awoke in my own sanctuary.

Derek just continues to look at me with a raised eyebrow. “Are you okay?”

I nod, offering a reassuring smile. "Yes, Derek, I'm all good," I reply, hoping to convey a sense of normalcy. But his persistent gaze tells me that he's not completely convinced.

He takes a seat across from me, his eyes fixated on me. “Are you sure?” he asks again, before holding up what I can now see is an unfinished report that I started the night before.

I glance at the report, realizing that I had indeed left it unfinished in the middle of a sentence and I feel heat creep up my neck as a touch of guilt gnaws at me. "Oh, that... It's nothing, I got really tired, and didn’t think it would be a good idea to continue it just in case I missed something important," I say, trying to downplay the significance.

Derek leans forward slightly, his expression growing more serious. "Alex, we're in the middle of a crucial investigation here. We can't afford distractions or lapses in focus. Is something bothering you?"

I take a moment to consider Derek's question and the pressure of the situation. While I appreciate his concern and trust, I just can’t tell him about the reason the report is half done.

I meet Derek's gaze, mustering a reassuring smile. "Thanks for your concern, Derek. I appreciate it. But it’s as I said, I want to do justice to these victims and didn’t think I could while I was exhausted, I’ll get the reports completed now."

Derek looks at me for a moment, assessing my response, before finally nodding. "Alright, Alex. Just remember, I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to. We're a team, and we support each other."

"Thank you, Derek. I'll keep that in mind," I reply, genuinely grateful for his understanding.

With that, the tension in the room eases slightly, and we both turn our attention back to the unfinished report. Derek resumes the conversation, discussing the progress we've made and the next steps we need to take. We are heading back out into the field today to continue the face-to-face interviews and retracing the steps of the victims.

We both work to finish up the reports that I left unfinished the night before and then we prepare to head out. We stop at the cafe on the way out but I decline Derek’s offer to get a cup while he chooses to get one for himself.

As he is waiting in line I take out my phone and open the messenger app.

Taking a moment to gather my thoughts, I compose my question, hoping that my choice could potentially impact the hunt for these killers.

I narrow my eyes as I look at the response on the screen of my phone.

I growl to myself and clench my hand around my phone. Just as frustration starts to bubble within me, Derek returns with his coffee in hand. He notices my tense expression and raises an eyebrow.

"Everything okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face.

I take a deep breath, forcing a smile. "Yeah, just a small personal hiccup but I've got it under control."

He studies me for a moment, skeptical of my answer. "Alright, just remember to take care of yourself."

I nod, grateful again for his support. "I will. Thanks."

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