Page 18 of Hunt me Darling

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"I appreciate your advice, Agent," I reply, my tone steady. "But I believe in staying focused on the task at hand. We have a job to do, and that's where my priority lies."

He chuckles again, a low, unsettling sound. "Of course, Agent Darling. I wouldn't expect anything less from you."

The elevator slows to a stop, and the doors slide open, revealing the building foyer. Agent Decker steps out first, followed by Agent Travis who glances back at me before he walks away.

As the elevator doors close, I take a deep breath, grounding myself in the present moment. I refuse to let the presence of Agents Decker and Travis distract me. The abandoned warehouse on Elm Street awaits, and I will face it head-on.

Filled with renewed resolve, I step off the elevator as it reaches the parking garage. Making my way to my car, my mind is still processing the encounter with Agents Decker and Travis. Their presence was unsettling, and their cryptic comments only added to the mystery surrounding them. But I can't let their words distract me from my mission.

As I drive towards the abandoned warehouse on Elm Street, the night envelops the city in darkness. The streets are deserted, and an eerie silence hangs in the air. The dare and the potential danger that awaits me looms heavily.

Arriving at the warehouse, I park my car a short distance away, ensuring it's inconspicuous. I know I’m early, the clock in my car reading only half past eleven but I have hope of potentially catching the killers as they leave whatever they are wanting me to have.

I check my surroundings, scanning the area for any signs of movement or potential threats. Satisfied that I'm alone, I step out and approach the looming structure with cautious steps.

The warehouse stands as a monument of forgotten memories, its decaying walls whispering stories of the past. The air is thick with an inexplicable sense of foreboding, but I push forward.

As I step through the entrance, the darkness envelops me, broken only by faint streaks of moonlight filtering through cracks in the roof. I navigate the dilapidated interior, my footsteps echoing in the silence. The echoes serve as a constant reminder of the eerie atmosphere surrounding me, but I remain focused on my objective.

Finally, I reach a dimly lit room at the heart of the warehouse. The air grows still, and anticipation settles over me. I survey my surroundings, searching for the promised present, hoping it holds answers or leads that can bring me closer to the truth.

Suddenly, a glimmer catches my eye—a small, wrapped package resting on an old wooden crate at the heart of the room. My heart skips a beat as I approach it cautiously. I inspect it for any signs of danger, but it appears harmless.

As I reach for it a noise across the other side of the room startles me and I lift my head. There is a figure in the opposite doorway, leaning against the frame. The figure is dressed completely in tight black clothes all the way from their feet to the hood that's raised over their head, even black gloves cover their hands. With a tilt of their head, the filtered light hits their face and all I can see is the detailed skull mask that covers from the nose down.

“Hey, Little Darling,” the voice is modulated and sinister sounding with an electronic edge to it.

I instantly reach for my gun, but the distraction costs me. I don’t even have it aimed at the figure when a slight noise right behind me has me automatically turning in that direction.

A strong gloved hand wraps around my arm with the gun before I can turn and a sharp pain in my neck sends a jolt through my body. My vision blurs, and I feel my legs give way beneath me. The world spins as darkness engulfs my senses. The last thing I hear before succumbing to unconsciousness is the distorted voice of the figure behind me, echoing ominously.

"Time for a nap, Little Darling."

Chapter 10


AsIslowlyregainconsciousness, my senses come back to life. The first thing I notice is the sharp pain and tension coursing through my arms. I groan softly as I become aware of my precarious position, hanging from a chain in the center of the room.

Struggling to focus, I blink my eyes open, my surroundings slowly coming into view. The dimly lit room reveals its decaying walls, the peeling wallpaper bearing witness to years of neglect. Dust particles dance in the air, catching the faint streaks of moonlight that manage to filter through the cracks in the roof.

I can see my gun laying on the crate next to the wrapped gift that had drawn me here. I feel momentarily ashamed for how stupid I was to fall into such an obvious trap, but I wasn’t able to pass up the allure of more information on the murderers.

“Awake again, Little Darling?” The voice almost directly behind my ear startles me and I jerk on the chains, the sound of the movement echoing in the decaying room.

A chuckle sounds, and I feel fingertips brush my back sending a shiver down my spine. The fingers trail against me as the figure moves around my body to stop in front of me. My heart is racing in my chest. I have to push down the panic that is bubbling to the surface. The figure stills their fingers just below the space between my breasts.

“I was worried I was going to have to give you adrenaline to wake you up.” I can tell their voice is being changed somehow and when they tilt their head back slightly I’m confronted with a half skull mask covering the lower half of their face looking out at me from their hood. There must be a voice modulating device built into the mask.

A shift in the light briefly gives me the sight of intense black eyes. No person has eyes that dark, even with the dim light it meant they either had brown eyes or were using contact lenses.

As I lock eyes with the figure, a shiver runs down my spine. their intense gaze penetrates through the darkness. Fear intertwines with my determination, but I refuse to let it overpower me.

The figure's gloved hand slides up, wrapping around my throat, their fingers pressing into my skin. I feel the pressure, the tightness constricting my breath. Panic wells up within me, but I struggle to maintain composure, to prevent them from seeing my fear.

With a chilling calmness, the figure leans closer, their skull mask inches away from my face. Their modulated voice resonates through the room, full of sadistic satisfaction.

"How are you liking our little game of truth or dare, Little Darling?" they taunt.
