Page 37 of Hunt me Darling

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While I clean her, I steal glances at her peaceful face, lost in unconsciousness. Despite the situation, there's something captivating about her, something that keeps us enthralled in this twisted obsession.

We work in silence, the only sounds being the rustling of the cloth and the occasional drip of water. We empty and refill the bowl regularly, making sure it stays as clean as possible while washing her. The weight of our thoughts hang heavy in the air, mixing with the scent of blood, sweat and sex.

With delicate care I clean her pussy with a fresh bowl of water, wiping away the mixture of our releases that cover her thighs. Internally wishing that I didn’t have to, that I could leave with the knowledge that she is covered in us, in our cum, in the most primal claim to her body.

When I finish cleaning her, I toss the dirty cloth aside, letting the water wash away the evidence. I can't resist reaching out to touch her once more, running my fingers down her curves and soft skin with a strange mix of tenderness and possessiveness.

Then, we both shift our focus to her wounds. With gloved hands, we carefully apply antibacterial cream to the cuts and abrasions we inflicted upon her delicate skin. We work in unison, each tending to a different area, making sure to cover every wound with utmost care.

Once the antibacterial cream is applied, we retrieve small dressings and place them gently over the wounds, securing them in place. It's a twisted act of tenderness, attending to the damage we caused, as if we're nurturing her back to a state of twisted perfection.

With the wounds dressed, we work together to turn her around, exposing her back to us. We repeat the process, cleaning the wounds, applying the antibacterial cream and carefully dressing each wound with the same meticulousness.

As we work, I notice just how tangled and mussed her hair has become. Once we are done with the last wound I reach for a brush and start running it through her hair, the strands slipping through the bristles as I untangle the knots. It's an intimate act, almost loving, in contrast to the darkness that consumes us.

My thoughts drift as I get lost in the rhythm of caring for her. I had been too caught up in my emotions with her when we spoke. I had come too close to revealing secrets about ourselves that we weren’t ready for her to know yet. She would know them in time, but I need to be more mindful to not get drawn so quickly into her orbit to the point of forgetting myself.

Once I finish brushing out the tangles in her hair, Dare steps forward and together we lift our Darling into his embrace, cradling her with care. As he holds her close, I move to unfasten the restraints around her wrists, releasing her from their grip.

With the restraints removed, Dare carries her towards the bed, his steps steady and sure. I follow closely behind, my eyes fixated on her sleeping form, my mind consumed by a twisted longing to possess her completely.

When we reach her bed, Dare lays her down gently, his touch lingering as if he too is unwilling to let go. I watch with an unwavering gaze, unable to tear my eyes away from our dark Queen. I yearn to touch her, to leave my mark upon her in every way possible. But I know the time isn’t right, that we aren’t at that stage yet.

As Dare tucks her into bed, I stand by, my hands twitching with the urge to claim her fully. The obsession that courses through my veins burns hot, fueling my every thought and desire. But for now, I restrain myself, knowing that there are steps we must take before we can fully indulge in our dark fantasies.

With our Darling settled in bed, I take a step back, my gaze never leaving her. Her slumbering form radiates an ethereal beauty, a captivating allure that draws me in. I want to possess her, body and soul.

But there are tasks at hand, obligations that demand our attention. Dare and I exchange a silent understanding, we both know what needs to be done.

Moving with purpose, we meticulously erase any evidence of our presence in the room. Bloodstains are carefully cleaned, traces of our passion and depravity wiped away. The hook that I used returns to its original use hidden behind a full length mirror. The room slowly sheds its connection to our twisted desires, returning to a semblance of normalcy.

Finally, as the last trace of our presence is eradicated, we stand in the transformed room. It is as if nothing extraordinary occurred within these walls. Our eyes meet, a silent acknowledgement of the lengths we will go to to protect our secrets.

We turn our attention back to our sleeping Queen. I approach her with caution, my fingertips grazing her cheek, my touch a whisper against her skin. The desire for her is overwhelming, but we know that patience is our ally. We must proceed with care, ensuring every step aligns with our obsessive vision.

Dare's presence beside me is a reassuring anchor, his eyes filled with the same dark longing. He sets up a glass of water on her bedside beside some tylenol just in case she wakes in any pain.

"She surrendered to us so beautifully tonight," I whisper, my voice hinting at the desire I feel inside. "She craves the darkness as much as we do."

"Yes," he murmurs, his voice laced with a hint of reverence. "But we knew she would."

With a gentleness that belies the dark possessive thoughts in my mind, I brush a kiss against her soft lips. I want the taste of her to be all I taste forever. I want the scent of her to be the only scent I ever smell again. I want to be surrounded by her until death tears us apart.

She is and always has been our everything, the ultimate partner in our dark souls.

Chapter 20


Openingmyeyestosee the first touch of sunlight starting to creep through my blinds confuses me. The whole scenario I find myself in confuses me.

I let two stalkers, two killers, fuck me into oblivion the night before, and I enjoyed it. Actually, enjoyed is an understatement. The pleasure I experienced with them was unlike anything I have ever known, but the circumstances surrounding it were undeniably dark and twisted.

It’s not as though I haven’t had sex before, and yes I already knew that I enjoyed a little bit of pain with my pleasure. But at that moment, as I thought about the experiences of the past two nights, I feel like they metaphorically wrapped their hands around my throat and were dragging me into the depths of hell with a smile on my face.

Well, the phantom feeling of their hands on my throat may just be the lingering marks from being choked.

Lifting the sheet to look down at my body I can see they have taken meticulous care in cleaning and dressing my wounds. It hints at a level of thoughtfulness I hadn't initially attributed to them. It raises questions about who they truly are and what drives them. The level of care shows aren't merely two mindless psychopaths, but individuals with their own intricate motivations and desires.
