Page 83 of Hunt me Darling

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2 Years Later

“FancyagameofTruth or Dare?”

Looking over my shoulder I grin at Derek as he slides his hands around my waist and gives me a soft kiss. Then I return my attention back in the direction of the forest behind our home.

Well, more specifically the playset that is set up on the grass in front of it, where Tristan is sitting, his face lit up as he makes weird noises at our twin daughters. If I thought that they would be disappointed to not get the prince they originally wanted, I was severely mistaken. Those two beautiful little girls have both of them wrapped around their little tiny fingers.

Hydessa and Seanna Darling made their entry into the world in such an over the top, dramatic fashion that seemed fitting for us. My body started shutting down from blood loss and my heart stopped in the delivery room. When I woke up the following day, I was told all about how both Derek and Tristan threatened several of the hospital staff with a violent death if I didn’t survive.

They all passed it off as an emotional response that wouldn’t have happened… but I know differently. In the end, we all recovered and we were discharged to go home and we were glad to part ways with the hospital staff. However, it did end up making them that much more obsessive about mine and the girl's health.

“Hmmm, I want to choose Dare, but I’m not sure I’m up for another run in that forest at the moment,” I reply to him, laughter creeping into my voice.

He chuckles and kisses my temple. “Truth then, are you happy?”

My smile gets wider at the question. He is always asking me that, always so conscious of making sure he does everything he can to make sure I am happy. “Nothing could make me happier.”

He hums for a moment, the vibration of the noise moving through his chest and into me. “I’m sure I could make you happier.”

Laughing, I turn in his arms, forcing myself to move my attention completely to him instead of Tristan and our girls. “We are not having sex right now, it's the start of red week.”

He pulls me closer and presses my back against the railing behind me. “I think we have already well and truly established blood turns me on and not off. If you really didn’t want sex, you are going about it the wrong way.”

I laugh even louder at him and smack a hand against his back. “I mean I’m feeling off right now, you know how I get at the start.”

He reluctantly nods and gives me a soft kiss. “I know, but that wasn’t actually what I was meaning before. That team we had Max looking into, he came back with the information.”

I grin in excitement. “And?”

A slow smile spreads across his face. “And you were right… there is definitely something there. They haven’t been as discrete or as good at covering their tracks as we were, but I’m sure they can be trained.”

I want to jump up and down with excitement. Over the past two years, since we took care of James, we have expanded our focus to the more wide reaching corruption and evil both inside and outside of law enforcement. We have gradually been adding people to our own organization that sought true justice and protection for the innocent by any means necessary. I had recently come across the work of a team of ‘vigilantes’ as they were called in the official reports and had my suspicions about who they were, so I had Max look into it.

I suppress my excitement for the moment, knowing that there is still a bit of work to do in recruiting them. “I will get Emily and Michael to start testing the waters.”

We recruited Emily and Michael after a year of being friends with them. They were already enlightened to some of the information on the circumstances around Mark and James from the case against Decker and Travis. When we explained the history and how it had all actually gone down, Emily stated quite loudly and vehemently to us that she wished she had been there for both of the deaths to get her own knife into them.

She became my best friend at that moment and they both started helping us expand our organization.

I give Derek another quick kiss before asking him, “Truth or Dare?”

His smile gets wider, “Truth.”

I glance back behind me, “Do you think the girls will eventually want to kill you both for naming them after another game?”

He flashes me a wicked grin as we both turn our attention back to Tristan and the girls. “I mean, who doesn’t like a game of Hide and Seek.”
