Page 117 of Awaiting

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“Ah, what?”

“She’s the reason.”

“What are you talking about?”

“You’ve been putting off every woman I’ve tried to get you to know. Is Bexley the reason?”

“Mum, please…” Alex sighed. “I’m in love with her. I met her at Alice’s coronation ball, and I fell for her then. She was with someone else, so I tried not to care, but I love her.”

“You’re in love?” her father asked, smiling. “Really?”

“I am. She’s wonderful,” Alex told him, sitting in the chair in front of her father’s desk. “She’s beautiful, Papa.” Alex smiled wide. “She makes me laugh, and she’s so kind. She puts everyone else ahead of herself, and she’s so good at what she does.”

“What does she do?”

“She’s a Ph.D in clinical speech pathology, and she’s one of the best in her field. She spoke at this important conference in Cologne. I watched it on YouTube. They were in awe of her. I was, too, and I didn’t even understand half of what she was talking about. She’s so smart, Papa.”

“You’ve really got to knock this off,” her father said.


“You went to Oxford, Alexandria. Second in your class. And you could have pursued the law further if you weren’t who you are. You would have made an amazing attorney. You’re going to make an amazing Queen one day.”

“I wasn’t saying–”

“He’s right,” her mother spoke, sitting down next to her. “You’ve always compared yourself to your brother. We never have, but you always do.”

“How did we get on this topic?” Alex asked.

“Where is this amazing woman? I want to meet her,” her father said.

“She’s with–”

“I’ve done this with all your girls, Alex,” her mother interrupted. “It’s not just Bexley, and it’s not because she’s an American. You’ve brought home a few women you thought you were serious about, and I run them all through my questions. I did the same with your brother’s girlfriends, including Margaret. You can ask her. She’s the only one who passed.”

“You did what?” Alex asked.

“I didn’t get a chance to finish with Bexley because she interrupted me, but I like that she did that.”

“You like that she interrupted you?”

“She has courage,” her mother replied. “That’s important in this family, especially for a possible Queen Consort.”

“We only just–”

“Got together, I know. But you know as well as I do how these things work. Once you go public, people will expect an engagement to come soon after. It’s just how it is, darling. You love her?”

“I do.”

“Does she love you?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t even told her that I loveheryet.”

“Dinner,” her father said.

“What?” Alex asked, turning back to him.

“Let’s all have dinner tonight. I’d like to get to know this possible future wife.”
