Page 125 of Awaiting

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“When her mother called and told Alex she needed to return. I decided to go with her. I met the whole family, and I don’t think they totally hate me.”

“Wow, Bex. You’ve already met the parents?”

“I just figured why delay the inevitable. Alex and I are together now. The way I understand it, these things happen quickly in royal families, so I had the chance and took it.”

“So, you two are a couple?”

“Yes.” Bexley nodded with a smile. “I have a girlfriend.”

Alice laughed and replied, “I’d say you do. What’s it feel like to finally just admit that you like her and for her to admit that she likes you?”

“You know what it’s like when you’re shopping for the perfect dress for something, and you can’t find it? Then, you get to a new store, walk over to a rack, and there it is. It’s the perfect color for your skin. It’s the perfect size for your curves. You already have the shoes to match. And it’s just like it was put there for you – like it’syourdress. That’s what it feels like. That’s who Alex is for me. It’s like she was put here for me, which is crazy because she’s a Princess, and I’m just a girl from small-town Kansas, but that’s what it feels like.”

“That’s how it felt with Nora, too,” Alice shared. “Like she was put here just for me.”

“How did we manage this, Al? You live in another country that you’re now the Queen of, and I’ve fallen in love with a Princess.”

“I have no idea.” Alice laughed. “But I’m so happy it did. I have Nora, who is the absolute love of my life, and we have our babies, who are so perfect in my eyes. And you’re my best friend in the world, who’s finally found your own special dress made just for you.”

Bexley laughed and said, “I miss her already. Is that pathetic?”

“No, you’re in love. You can miss her whenever you want. I miss Nora when she’s not here. Sometimes, when she stays late at work and misses dinner, I sit there either by myself or with the twins, and I just wish she were there. Everything’s better when she’s around.”

“I don’t know how to do this… I’ve never been in a long-distance relationship, period. And now, I’m going to be in one with Alex.”

“You two will figure it out. It won’t be forever, either. One day, assuming it all works out, you’ll move to London.”

“That’s crazy,” Bexley said. “I’m a Kansas girl.”

“I’m sure Alex will make sure you get a channel with the baseball games on it,” Alice teased.

Bexley laughed and said, “I can’t believe I ever thought she was this Casanova-type who only cared about sleeping with as many women as she could and had no real sense of responsibility.”

“Maybe leave that out of your wedding vows,” Alice replied.


“I want to see your face,” Alex requested.

“Give me a minute, babe,” Bexley replied, shifting her phone until it was on the wireless charging stand. “There.”

“Hello, beautiful.” Alex smiled through the phone.

“Hi. How was your day?” Bexley asked, smiling back at her as she settled into the bed.

“Long, and I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”

“My father wanted to run through things now that you and I are together.”


“Just planning for the future, as always. It was okay. Idoneed to tell you something.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong. But you know how I mentioned that initial background check security did on you?”
