Page 140 of Awaiting

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“You’ll get an invite. The plan is to invite all current sovereigns and their heirs,” Nora explained.

There was a knock at the door.

“That will be my nephews and their undoubtedly exhausted nanny,” Alex said, standing up.

“We should get going. Are you sure?” Alice asked Bexley.

“They’re already asleep,” Bexley said, pointing at the playpen where the twins had already passed out.

“Maybe I should take the boys out in the yard right away so that they can stay that way,” Alex offered.


Four hours later, the twins were screaming for no reason in particular. Henry was pouting on the sofa because he had his tablet taken away for threatening to hit his brother with it, and Louis was walking around in only his underwear, asking if he could just go outside and play.

“You have to put on clothes,” Alex told him.

“I don’t want to. I want to go outside.”

“You’d freeze,” Alex replied.

“No, I won’t. I don’t get cold,” he argued.

“I want my tablet,” Henry said.

“You’rein timeout,” Alex replied.

Bexley sat on the sofa next to Henry. She had a crying Julia on her hip while Tor was screaming in his playpen, lying on his back.

“I think we’re doing this wrong,” Bexley said.

“Nope. This is it,” Alex replied. “Louis, put on your pants.” She waved a pair of green pants in Louis’ direction.

“I don’t want to!” he shouted back.

“Louis,” Bexley began calmly while Julia cried near her ear. “Honey, can you please put on your pants for me? If you do, we can go outside.”

“CanIgo outside?” Henry asked.

“Can you promise not to hit your brother or tell him you’re going to hit him?”

“Yes,” he said, wiping his tired eyes.

“Louis, if you put on your pants, a shirt, and your jacket, you can go outside with your brother. Aunt Alex will play hide and seek with you.”

“She will?” Alex asked.

“Yes, she will.” Bexley gave her a glare. “I need to get the twins calmed down, but I can’t if these two are in here running around.” She rubbed Henry’s head.

“Shoes, too,” Alex added.

“No shoes,” Louis replied.

“Shoesandsocks,” Bexley insisted, looking at Louis.

“Aunt Bexley, I don’t like socks,” he said.

It wasn’t the first time he’d called her Aunt Bexley that day, but every time he did, Alex looked at her as ifthismight be the thing to scare Bexley off.
