Page 29 of Awaiting

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“Alice…” Nora said.

Bexley wanted to laugh but didn’t want to wake the babies.

“Anyway, there’s also formula, too, if you have to use it,” Alice continued. “But we’ll be back Sunday morning, so you shouldn’t need it. Oh, and we just started trying different baby foods with them.”

“I put the ones we know they’re not allergic to in the cabinet for you,” Nora added.

“You did? Thank you,” Alice said to her. “They can have a little of it, but don’t give them any other kinds. You have to introduce this stuff slowly and try to keep them on their schedule if you can. It helps.”

“I will,” Bexley replied. “Hey, where is their other aunt? I thought I had help this weekend.”

“She had to take a call from her mother, but she’ll be here to help you. I also typed up all the instructions and emailed them to you both, and the nanny is on call if you need her.”

“My grandmother is here as well if you need her, but she’s only able to help out here and there – the babies take a lot out of her.”

“They take a lot out ofus,” Alice said, kissing Nora on the cheek. “Okay. We need to go if we’re going.”

They both kissed their children and whispered that they loved them. Then, Bexley walked them out. Once they were in the elevator, Bexley went to her room, grabbed her phone and tablet, and returned to the nursery. She sat on the sofa and silenced her phone just in case. After that, she opened the latest Journal of Clinical Speech Pathology on her tablet and started to read. An hour later, she heard the sounds of a baby beginning to wake. She waited to see if Tor would fall back to sleep, but when he grew a little louder, she went ahead and picked him up, closing the door behind her to give Julia more time to sleep.

“Hey, did you wake up early, little man?” Bexley asked him as if he could answer her. She bounced him a bit in her arms and looked down at his adorably tired baby face. His tiny fists went to his eyes like he was trying to rub them. “You’re still so sleepy, aren’t you? Do you think you could go back to sleep in your crib so we can let your sister sleep a little more?” Then, Bexley heard it. Julia was awake, and she was unhappy about something. “I guess that will be unnecessary.” Bexley went back into the room, carrying Tor against her chest, and found Julia on her back, practically screaming up at the ceiling. “Hey, baby girl. What’s wrong?” Bexley rubbed Julia’s belly, which she didn’t seem to like. Then, Tor started to cry. “Oh, no. Not you, too.” She rubbed Tor’s belly. “Time for a diaper change, I take it? Yeah, I wouldn’t like to be sitting in my own you-know-what, either, so let me find the diapers. Tor, can you hang out with your sister for a minute?” She placed Tor next to Julia, but that only made them cry louder. “You’re twins; you’re supposed to hold hands all the time and not want to be apart.” She rushed over to the cabinet and pulled out two new diapers, the baby powder, and the wipes. Then, she moved everything to the brand-new changing table. “Okay. I think I’ve got everything. One at a time, though; I only have two hands.” She walked back over to the still-screaming infants. “Who wants to go first?”

“Do you always talk to yourself?” Alex asked.

“Where haveyoubeen? These babies hate me,” Bexley replied, picking up Julia.

“Sorry, I got stuck on the phone with my mother. What can I do?”

“Have you ever changed a diaper?”

“A nappy? Of course.”

“Wait. You have?” Bexley asked her, surprised, as she placed Julia on the table.

“I have two nephews.”

“Who have nannies, too, I’m guessing.”

“Yes, but I still helped when I could,” Alex said. “Want me to take Tor?”

“Yes, please,” Bexley replied, undoing Julia’s onesie. “Hey, sweet girl. No need to cry. I’ve got you, okay?”

Alex brought Tor over to the table, and they stood side by side.

“I think we have a leak,” Alex said.

“He peed on you?”

“What? No. But Henry and Louis both got me. When they’re older, I plan on telling them that they pissed on the future Queen.” Alex chuckled lightly. “His diaper just leaked, and he didnotjust pee. What is it with you, kid?” she said to Tor. “He’s going to need new clothes.”

“Onesies are in the wardrobe.” Bexley pointed behind her.

“This room is nice. Nora did all of this herself?” Alex asked. “And do you have him?” She had her hand on Tor’s stomach.

“I’ve got him.” Bexley kept an eye on the crying boy while she wiped up the crying girl. “And yes, Nora did this all herself.”

“I’m losing my semi-butch lesbian card then, because I thought I accomplished something when I helped you change the light bulb in the office yesterday,” Alex replied. “Does it matter what I put him in?” she checked.

Bexley turned around to see that Alex had both doors of the wardrobe open, and said, “God, they have a lot of clothes.”
