Page 31 of Awaiting

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“Do you have a preference? Boy or girl?” she asked.

“Healthy is my preference,” Alex said. “But if I can, I’d like both. I’m not all that young, either, so the clock is ticking for me, too.”

A few minutes later, Bexley took Julia back to the crib and gently placed her down to get some more sleep, while Alex finished with Tor and put him back into his own crib.

“Hey, how did you get into speech pathology?” Alex asked in a half-whisper as they both sat on the sofa.

“Oh, that’s kind of a long story.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“You don’t have to take another call from your mom?”

“No, I asked her to leave me alone,” Alex replied.

“You asked the Queen of England to leave you alone?”

“She’s technically the Queen Consort. My father is the King, but she’s not a Queen by blood like Alice or Elizabeth in St.Rais.”


“She thinks I’m here to shirk my responsibilities. I explained what I was doing here, and I got a lecture, so I asked her to give me some time right now.”

“You didn’t tell her why you were coming here?”

“She’s my mother, but Iaman adult,” Alex replied. “Anyway, back to my original point. I’m not going anywhere, and they’re asleep. Do you want to eat dinner and talk about why you got into your career? I can bring the baby monitor.” She nodded toward the monitors on the changing table.

“You don’t have anything else you should be doing?” Bexley asked.

“Nope. I’m on babysitting duty with you this weekend.” Alex smiled at her.

“Okay. Let’s go.”



“Huh? What?” Bexley asked as her eyes shot open.

Before that, Alex had walked into the nursery to check on the twins, since it was around time for their next feeding, and she’d found Bexley asleep on the sofa. She’d looked so adorable, snuggled up with a stuffed elephant as her pillow and one of the baby blankets barely covering her for warmth.

“Did you sleep in here?” Alex asked her, kneeling down in front of her.

“Oh. Yeah… Well, I didn’t plan on it,” Bexley said. “But Julia had a hard time falling back to sleep after I came to check on them, so I stayed in case she woke up her brother, and I guess I fell asleep.”

“I gave this to them,” Alex said.

“What?” Bexley asked.

“Your pillow,” Alex explained, pointing to the elephant still under Bexley’s head. “There are two of them. This one is Julia’s. She got the blue one. Tor got the gray one.”

“Oh, sorry,” Bexley said, handing Alex the elephant and sitting up.

“Don’t be sorry. I just hope she was comfortable.”


“Yes, they come with names and an entire animal backstory. This one is a girl elephant, and Tor got the boy elephant. I have a friend of a friend who designs them.”
