Page 38 of Awaiting

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“Thank you,” Alex replied, looking a little disappointed.

“Do the buttons at the top of your shirt not work, Alex?” Nora asked.

Alice laughed at her wife and said, “Bex, want to come in while we get the kids changed?”

“Oh,” Bexley muttered, looking at Alex. “Is that okay with you? Maybe we can–”

“Of course.” Alex nodded at her. “Of course,” she repeated.

“Tomorrow night, we could do–”

“I should go,” Alex blurted, interrupting her again. “I need to call my brother and check in on things back home anyway. I’ll see you all tomorrow. Good night.”

Alex rushed off down the hall and closed her bedroom door behind her.

“What was that all about?” Nora asked.

“I don’t know,” Bexley replied.


“Morning,” Alice said to Alex when Alex walked into the living area of Alice and Nora’s suite.

“I have a bone to pick with you, Your Majesty,” Alex spoke, sitting down next to Alice, who had just put down her coffee mug on the table.


“What the hell happened last night?”

“Last night?”

“Yes, last night.”

“I watched a movie with my wife and grandmother-in-law. We put the twins to bed and–”

“Before that. What happened with Bexley?”

“Bexley? Nothing. Is something wrong?”

“You rather interrupted us, Alice.”

“Interrupted you?”

“Did you not see how I was dressed? I had on my date outfit.”

“You have a date outfit?” Alice asked, looking like she was about to laugh at the thought. “Wait. You and Bexley went on a date?” She shot forward on the sofa.

“No, we didn’t. I was standing at her door, trying to pick her up, and you interrupted us and absconded with my potential date.”

“I’m so confused. Potential?”

“I asked her out yesterday.”

“You did?” Alice asked.

“Yes, when we were at lunch. I decided to just go for it and ask her to have dinner with me last night. Then, I got all dressed up, and you interrupted.”

“Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t know. Back to the date outfit thing, though,” Alice said.
