Page 73 of Awaiting

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“I’m all right.”

Bexley wrapped the blanket over Alex’s shoulders and wrapped her arms around her own body.

“You should go back inside,” Alex told her, not sounding like herself. “You’ll freeze.”

“Andyouwon’t?” Bexley asked, her teeth chattering a bit. “Here. Let me in there,” she added, lifting the blanket she’d just placed on Alex and wrapping it around her own shoulders as well. “Where’s security?”

“They’re giving me space.”

“Why do you need space?”

“Because I just need to think,” Alex replied.

“About what happened earlier?”

“Among other things,” Alex told her.

“Can you do your thinking inside?”

“I think better in the cold.”

“Okay. Then, put a coat on or something.”

“Then, I wouldn’t be cold,” Alex said.

“Will you at least sit down so I can put this blanket over you and get a coat for myself?”

“Bexley, I’m out here to think alone,” Alex replied, still without looking at her.

Bexley felt the chill worse then. She’d interrupted her. Alex wanted to be alone, and Bexley hadn’t just interrupted her; she’d basically snuggled up to her side under the blanket. Bexley only just noticed that Alex hadn’t touched her at all. She hadn’t wrapped her arm around Bexley to bring her into her warmth. She hadn’t made sure the blanket covered Bexley enough. She’d just stood there. So, Bexley nodded and pulled away, leaving the blanket over Alex’s shoulders.

“Sorry. I just saw you out here, and I know how cold it gets this time of year,” she replied. “I’ll leave you alone.”

“Thank you,” Alex said.

Bexley waited for more. She hoped for more, but when Alex didn’t say anything else, Bexley went inside and slid the door closed behind her. She wasn’t sure how long Alex would be out there, but she made her a new cup of tea in the same mug and walked it to the guest bedroom. She placed it on the bedside table, hoping Alex would drink it when she came inside, and went to her own room. Then, she checked the time and noted that Stan should be able to talk. She dialed his number and waited.

“Hey, I texted you. Where did you go?”

“Someone recognized Alex, so we came home.”

“Shit. Is everything okay?”

“I think so. Holly recognized her, too, but I don’t think she’d say anything.”

“No, she won’t. She’s a good person. Are you doing okay?”

“I don’t know,” Bexley said, sighing. “I should have trusted my instincts and insisted Alex stay here. What if something had happened tonight?”

“Like what? She’s a Princess, Bex. She’s the most well-known Princess in the world. No one is going to start anything when they know there are guards standing at the ready to go in for the kill.”

“I just wanted her to have a good time.”

“She did. She was. It’s not your fault she got recognized.”

“Stan, she told me she wants me tonight.”

“What? You buried the lead, Bex. Did you two finally…”
