Page 99 of Awaiting

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Bexley looked up at the sky.

“Oh, wow,” she said, her breath coming out as steam.

“Ma’am,” Albert said. “We scouted the area.”

“It’s not a long hike,” Alex promised. “We’re going to the hill just over there,” she told Bexley, pointing to a hill about fifty yards away. “Security is going to leave us alone, aren’t you?”

“We’ll walk behind but leave you plenty of room, Ma’am,” he said, nodding.

“Wow,” Bexley repeated instead, apparently not paying attention to the conversation at all.

“Come on,” Alex said, laughing. “You’ll want to watch where you step, Bex.”

“But you told me to look at the sky.”

“You can look again when we get there.”

They walked along an old path up a hill that overlooked the water. The hill had a small old playground on it, so there were no houses, which made it the perfect spot. When they arrived, Bexley looked down at the ground.

“You set this up?” she asked.

“It’s just a blanket, and well, another blanket on top of it because it’s cold, and I don’t want you to freeze.”

“Alex…” Bexley almost whispered.

“Have a seat,” she said, motioning for Bexley to sit.

Alex lifted the top blanket, and Bexley sat on the bottom one. Alex joined her and placed the blanket over them.

“They’re so beautiful,” Bexley said, resting her head on Alex’s shoulder and linking their arms together under the blanket.

“Was it okay to wake you up for this?” she checked.

“They’re dancing,” Bexley said, smiling, causing Alex to smile as well.

They sat there in silence for a long time. It appeared neither of them wanted to ruin the moment. Alex kissed Bexley’s temple under the hat she’d given her to wear, and when Bexley tilted her head to the side, Alex kissed her cheek.

“I remember the first time I saw them here,” she shared. “Most people know you can see them in Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Canada also gets a good show, but we get them here, too, when the weather’s right and it’s this time of year. It was the night I slept here for the first time. I’d just bought the place and only had the bed in there, but it was where I wanted to be. I wanted something that was my own.” Alex kissed Bexley’s temple again. “I looked out the window, which had no curtain on it, and I saw them. It felt like they were dancing for me; like they were celebrating with me that I’d bought this place on my own.”

“I think they’re dancing just forustonight,” Bexley replied.

Alex wrapped her arm around Bexley’s shoulder and pulled her against her side. Bexley snuggled closer, just like they’d done on the sofa earlier.

“I know it’s a lot, Bexley… What I come with isn’t normal. And it’s not something you probably ever thought about… But it’s also this, you know? It’s also just you and me being together. It’s nights like this and nights like the ones we spent with the twins, taking care of them. It’s days like the ones we spent with your grandmother and catching up with old friends. It’s me cooking us dinner and you reminding me that I don’t have to keep thinking people wish I had been born second. It could bethisfor us. I won’t lie to you: itisthe other stuff, too. It’s the parties, the titles, the formalities, and the work that goes into it, but at the core of it, it would be you and me. It would be nights like this.”

Bexley looked up at her, and Alex saw the lights dancing in those bright blue eyes for the first time.

“Magical,” she said mainly to herself at the sight.

“You are…” Bexley began.

She licked her lips, and Alex’s eyes followed the motion. Then, Bexley leaned forward and lightly pressed her lips to Alex’s. They were cold at first, but they warmed when Alex pressed them together again and again. When Bexley opened her mouth a little, Alex slipped her lip between Bexley’s.

She didn’t know what Bexley was doing at first. It seemed like frantic movements. But Alex was kissing her, and she wasnotbreaking it to find out. Then, she felt Bexley’s bare hands on her cheeks, realizing Bexley had been taking off her gloves.

“You’ll freeze.”

“I want to feel your skin,” Bexley replied, reconnecting their lips.
