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“I mean,” he started again as he led her down the hall to the guest room. “I’m not in the habit of turning away people who need help.”

“You turned Greg away,” she pointed out.

“I didn’t like the way he talked. You are different.” It was so different, and he didn’t even have the words to tell her how much he had longed to see her again.

And, hey, his wolf cut in,just think! Soon, she’ll be single and ready to mingle.

Wilder sighed at his wolf. He doubted that Amelia would be willing to get into any sort of relationship if her marriage was ending on such a sour note.

“Well, I guess I have to accept your help and hope you don’t change your mind in the morning.”

Amelia vanished into her bedroom. Wilder stood there, listening to her shuffling around the room. He didn’t move until he heard her breathing become steady as she fell asleep.

His mate slept in his home.

“Huh,” he said before retreating to his own room. This turn of events was truly unexpected.



Amelia was not a stranger to luxury, but there was something different about Wilder’s home. Where Greg’s riches were displayed in gaudy and kitschy ways, there was an innate class about the decor in Wilder’s house.

It was simple and elegant. Something she would have picked for herself if she had been given such liberties. Amelia tiptoed down the steps, retracing her path from the night before, hoping to find the kitchen.

She did, following the long hallway.

Wilder sat at the counter with a laptop opened and a phone pressed to his ear. His gold eyes met hers as she entered the room, and he held up his finger and pointed to his phone. His nostrils flared—it was something she noticed about him. It seemed that he did that a lot around her. It must’ve been a shifter thing. The guards did the same to her all the time. Though in their case, it was to make sure she wasn’t in contact with anyone other than her guards, the staff, and Greg.

There was no reason for this man to sniff her quite so often. Maybe she needed to change her shampoo and body wash if the smells caused issues for the shifter who was helping her run away from Greg.

Wilder spoke a foreign language on the phone before ending the call. He took a few moments to study her. “Did you sleep all right?”

She nodded. “I did, yes. Thank you. Please don’t let me interrupt your work.”

He smiled.

A full smile.

His teeth were straight and white, and his lips a bit too full to belong on a man, but the effect made her heart skip a beat. What the fuck was wrong with her? She was still married. Sure, she hadn’t wanted to marry Greg, but she wasn’t anywhere near ready or willing to be attracted to someone.

Least of all, a man who could help her. A man who could protect her.

“Youaremy work,” he reminded her. “Unless you changed your mind and want to return to your husband.”

“No!” she cried with so much force Wilder’s eyes went momentarily wide.

Each recovered quickly. “No,” she repeated more calmly. “I don’t ever want to see Greg again because if he does, he will kill me.”

Wilder gestured at the seat next to him. “Sit. Tell me everything. From the start.”

“Oh. Umm… Isn’t there someone else? I just mean, you’re the CEO. Don’t you have better things to do than to directly help people?”

“Nope. Tell me. I’ll make you an omelet while you talk.”

Before she could argue, he was up and behind the counter, whisking eggs and chopped-up vegetables in a large metal bowl.

“I have to go back pretty far for my story to make sense,” she explained.
