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But she doesn’t belong to another. She doesn’t love her husband. She is free now, and if you play your cards right, maybe she could fall in love with you.

Wilder’s wolf laughed in glee at the thought of being with Amelia. The dumb creature didn’t realize that it was impossible. How could she fall for him after everything she had been through?

Greg was a human man. Wilder was an actual beast.

Any life with Wilder would be so much worse.

Are you insane? Why the hell would it be worse?His wolf stomped his front paws in his mind, howling in desperation. After years of longing for a woman who couldn’t be his, surely he should be happy she had come to him for help.

Maybe she came, knowing he would do anything for her. Maybe she came because she couldn’t keep away.

Maybe she could feel a connection to him.

With a sigh, Wilder reluctantly let go of Amelia. There were mere inches between them, and he looked deep into her eyes – dark pools, hypnotizing him with their depth and beauty. Without thinking, barely aware of what he was doing, Wilder placed a finger under Amelia’s chin and tilted her head up so he could see deeper into her soul.

“Amelia,” he whispered roughly. “What do you need?”

“I don’t know,” she murmured back. “To be safe. To be me again. I’ve forgotten who that is.”

Wilder licked his lips to keep from leaning down to kiss her. “You’ll find yourself again. You don’t need to worry about Greg anymore.”

“Maybe not, but I’ve been in his clutches for so long, I don’t know what I like or don’t like anymore.”

“You can take your time and discover it all again.”

She laughed softly, but it was a dry sound. She didn’t believe him. “And how am I supposed to do that when I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to be free of him?”

“You file for divorce right away.”

Her eyes went wide. “Are you insane? That will only make him furious with me.”

“Of course, it’ll make him mad, but he’ll be mad about it no matter when you file. Might as well do it sooner rather than later. It’ll put him into a rage, and he won’t think clearly.”

“Or it’ll make him more volatile,” Amelia argued. “You don’t know him like I do. He is very dangerous.”

“He’s just a human with too much power and money,” he argued back. “Nothing can happen to you while you’re under my care and protection.”And that will be until the day I die,he added internally.

Oh, if only he could tell her and be honest. Amelia knew all about shifters. Maybe she knew mates were part of his world.

Maybe she would accept it and become his mate right away.

Wilder shook his head against the thought. How could he even think that? She had just left an abusive relationship. He couldn’t ask her to give up her life and newfound freedom because he wanted her more than his next breath.

“Power and money are what the world runs on,” she pointed out.

“Maybe for humans, but we shifters have an edge. I promise that you will be safe here, Amelia. And if you want to explore who you are, then please, do it. If you need anything, I’ll provide it for you.”

She nodded, but she was still uncertain. He sensed it. He noted it in the hard line of her back and her tense shoulders.

“Amelia,” he said, taking a step away from her. “You only brought a bag, most of which was full of cash. Where are your clothes? Your belongings?”

She shrugged and averted his gaze. “I don’t have clothes or belongings. Everything in that house was chosen by Greg. I haven’t had a thing to myself in years.”

His jaw clenched. “Well. We need to change that.”

Amelia frowned. “What do you mean?”

“We can get you anything you need to feel more like yourself.”
