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Padma laughed. “No. This is volunteer work.”

Amelia sat up. “Volunteer work? What do you mean?”

“Wilder brings out the loyalty in people. I’m here because he needs help to keep an eye on you.”

“That makes me sound super pathetic. I am mortified.”

“Don’t be. Wilder is a thorough person. He won’t let you down. He is incapable of doing that. He always shows up in a big way.”

Amelia shook her head. “Not what I mean. I am mortified for another reason.”

“Oh?” Padma sat up, her eyes sparking with interest. “What happened?”

“I…” She covered her face. “Nah. It’s way too embarrassing. I can’t tell you.”

“Go on! Tell me! I love good gossip, but I never get any from Wilder. He’s too respectful for that.”

Amelia considered deflecting again, but she needed to process her feelings and what had happened on the plane. “I kissed Wilder,” she blurted.

Padma gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. She shook her head in disbelief. “You didwhat? No. Noooo! That just isn’t possible.”

“Well, I mean, to be honest,hekissed me first. We were at this bakery, and he basically flipped the table to get to me. Then he was acting really weird about it. When I tried to talk to him on the plane, he got even weirder. He wouldn’t even look at me. So I straddled him into his seat.”

“Holy shit!”

“But he wouldn’t look at me or touch me so I feel super weird. Next thing I know, he hides in the cockpit, and when we land, you’re there to take me away. I obviously fucked up.”

“You kissed a man you just met!”

“I know. It’s terrible.”

“What? No. You were forced to marry a jerk! And from what I can tell, you’re lucky your ex didn’t…” She paused. “Make you do stuff you didn’t want to do.”

“I was always afraid of it, but Greg was adamant that one day, I would come to him willingly.”

Padma rolled her eyes. “Men are so weird. I am so happy I’m into chicks. Way less issues.”

“Do you think so?”

“My girl chooses to be with me, so yeah. I think way fewer issues.”

“Fair,” she grumbled. “I guess Wilder must think I’m a sex-crazed lunatic.”

“Nah. He might think that you’re confused. That you see him as a savior and that somehow, that means you owe him something.”

“I wouldn’t sleep with him because I think I owe him something.”

“Well, duh. I could’ve told you that. But men are weird.”

“So weird,” Amelia agreed. “So fucking weird.” She sighed and took another deep gulp of her umpteenth margarita. “You know… he was my first kiss.”

“Your ex?”

“No. Wilder.”

Padma sat up like a shot. “You’re joking.”

