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A smile crept to his face at the thought.

The charged atmosphere crackled with unspoken desire, like an electric current that pulsed between them. He read the longing in her eyes, a mirror to his own yearning that had grown especially potent tonight.

This moment marked a promising beginning for their connection, a precursor to the potential their shared future held. Yet, he understood the delicate balance required. He recognized the need to maintain an air of mystery, subtly asserting his claim as her mate, allowing their bond to deepen while still keeping a hint of intrigue alive.

As he methodically went about the task of shutting off lights and securing the premises after the departing crowd, a growing sense of exhilaration coursed through him. Sara’s words from earlier echoed in his mind, each syllable sinking in like a sweet melody.

The weight of her meaning began to settle, infusing him with newfound purpose. With each turn of a key and every switch he flicked, the thrill of her desire for him seeped deeper into his consciousness, igniting a fire of anticipation that more than thrilled him.

She had declared that she wanted to stay at his house and live with him for the duration of the pregnancy. And she didn’t balk when he suggested they should start now in making a family.

A subtle smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he contemplated the path ahead. While Sara remained oblivious to the connection they shared, he held the certainty close to his heart. Patience, he realized, would be his greatest asset. This would be a test of his resolve. An exercise in genuine restraint, as he recognized the need to build their bond without rushing it.

He understood the delicate balance between revealing his true feelings and giving her the space to grow her emotions at her own pace. His desire to be near her, to call her his own, burned hot, but he was willing to let it smolder quietly in the background, allowing her the time she needed to discover their connection on her own terms and timeline.

He felt very confident that she would. He could tell, not out of cockiness but by knowing that the fates wouldn’t be cruel enough to pair him with someone who couldn’t love him back. Or so he hoped.

He knew he just had to take things one step at a time. Play the couple game, especially with a human.

He chuckled to himself at the irony of it all as he headed up the stairs.

They may be taking it slow for them, but looking in, they were doing it backward from other couples.

First comes sex, baby, love, then marriage. Way to keep it original,he ruminated to himself as he approached the door to his room.

It was slightly cracked open. He peered inside.

Sara lay on the bed, fiddling with a chain around her neck. Her shoes were off, and her hair was loose, but she looked tense.

He pushed the door open. “Are you relaxed?”

She started at his words, obviously lost in thought. “Oh, ah, no. Not really.” She gave a meek smile. “I really wasn’t sure what you wanted me to do.”

Xavier sat on the edge of the bed facing her. “I don’t want you to do anything that you don’t want to do. It just felt like we both wanted the same thing. I can take you home if you would prefer.” He hoped to God that she wouldn’t.

She shook her head and answered quickly. “No, I don’t. I’m just not … used to doing things this way.”

“Neither am I. But I want you to be comfortable and happy.” He leaned over to stroke her cheek. Her eyes closed, and a soft smile played on her lips.

“I am happy.” She grabbed his shirt and pulled him on top of her, pressing her lips against his when he lost his balance from the gesture.

His entire body zapped to life when their lips met.

Xavier’s pants tightened instantly as heat overwhelmed him. If there had been any doubt before that she was, in fact, his mate, it couldn’t be denied now.

Her lips burned into his as he melted against her.

His tongue pushed through her soft lips, yearning to taste her.

She was delicious.

He pressed his erection against her leg as he turned his body to completely be on top of her. She moaned into his mouth, causing a vibration to ripple through his body that shook him to the core.

The need to be inside her and claim her as his own was overwhelming. He couldn’t mark her, not yet. But he could claim her in every other way.

To his surprise, Xavier felt Sara reach for his shirt to pull it over his head. He lifted himself up so she could accomplish the task. Before she could move on to his pants, he pulled at her shirt, lifting her up.

He undid her pants and then his own before he laid back on her and kissed her neck hungrily.
