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“Again?” she smirked.

With one word, his hard-on was back. “Again.”



Sara wasn’t feeling too good. Her cornflakes were not sitting right in her stomach. “Excuse me,” she said to Xavier, hurrying out of the kitchen.

They’d been sitting at the breakfast bar as they did every morning. It was nice. It was the only meal they were guaranteed to be able to eat together, and it had become an important part of the day.

She’d just made it to the bathroom before the cornflakes came back up. This was the third morning in a row.

“Are you okay in there?” asked Xavier from outside the bathroom door.

“Ugh, I feel awful,” she replied. “I’ll come back to the kitchen soon.”

She heard Xavier depart as she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Could this be it? She’d read about morning sickness, but was it meant to make you feel this dreadful? Maybe she was coming down with something.

When she got back to the kitchen, Xavier sat there with an expectant look on his face. “Does this mean you’re pregnant?” he asked with a hopeful light in his eyes.

“I don’t know,” replied Sara. “I don’t think it’s meant to make you feelthisbad. I am due for my period today, though.”

Xavier obviously wanted her to be pregnant by the look on his face. “I can’t wait,” he said. “Let’s do a test!”

“Really? Do you think it would work this early?” she asked.

“There’s only one way to find out,” he said.

“I certainly hope morning sickness isn’t as bad as this,” she said, already feeling her stomach turning again.

“My cousin was sick for weeks with her first one,” Xavier said knowingly.

“Ugh, that does not help,” she replied. “I’ve got a test in the bathroom. I’ll do it right after I finish getting sick again.” She left the room in a hurry.

Five minutes later, she returned with the test in her hand.

“How long do you have to wait?” Asked Xavier.

“About three to four minutes,” she said.

Their eyes met. “Oh, my goodness, what if I’m pregnant?” she said, a lump rising in her throat.

Xavier beamed. “You would make me the happiest man alive,” he replied.

She couldn’t help but smile at that. She felt so nervous. “And what if I’m not pregnant?” she asked with a worried frown.

“Oh, well, that would be a shame. I guess we’d have to have more sex,” Xavier replied, raising one eyebrow, a wicked smile playing at the corner of his mouth.

Sara burst out laughing. “That would be a shame, wouldn’t it?” She laughed.

“What’s it doing?” He asked. “Has it changed yet?”

She looked down at the stick, and her stomach turned, not from nausea this time but from excitement. “It’s turning blue!” She said. “I’m sure it is. Look.”

She thrust the stick under his nose. “You peed on that!” He exclaimed. “Sensitive wolf nose, remember?”

She laughed. “Sorry,” she said, holding it a little farther away. They both saw the blue line on it clearly now. Sara squealed. “I’m pregnant. Xavier, I’m actually pregnant!”
