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“We’ve got a problem with the Run River pack. Look,” he said, handing him a printout of an email. The leader of the rival pack had sent a death threat to Xavier. The email stated that Xavier knew why.

“What?” said Xavier. “I know nothing about this. Is this genuine?”

“I’m afraid so,” Carlos replied. “My sources say there have been some big changes at the top of the pack. According to my lead, the leader was after some girl who ditched him. He’s been threatening everyone ever since. My source has no idea who this mystery woman was, though.” Carlos stroked his bushy beard.

“I don’t see how this can have anything to do with us,” said Xavier. “But it is worrying.”

“You see why I thought you should come in and see for yourself?” said Carlos.

“You’d better call in some of the men and set up a patrol. Be discreet. We don’t want news of this getting out until we know what it’s about.” Xavier didn’t like the sound of it, though, especially as the stakes in his world had just risen dramatically. “Make sure Sara is tagged wherever she goes, and I want a couple of extra guys with eyes on my house at all times.”

“You’re taking this threat seriously then?” asked Carlos.

“I’m not taking any risks, that’s for sure.”

Xavier’s face contorted with anger, his nostrils flaring and eyes narrowing in a simmering display of frustration. Today of all days.



The next morning, she stood at the door and watched Xavier drive down the street to work. It was only just past lunch now, and she felt exhausted. It had been a lovely celebration. She wasn’t sure what time she’d finally gotten to bed, but it was definitely on the wrong side of midnight.

There was a point when most of the pack had shifted, and then they had circled the house howling. It was awesome. The sound of it still vibrated through her bones and into her soul.

She was carrying a little shifter baby. One day, they would be able to do that. She felt a little envious that she had been born a mere mundane human. She wondered how she’d feel watching her child shift for the first time.

She knew nothing about it. Could they shift from birth? Was it something they grew into?

“How adorable would it be having a little wolf pup around?” Sara remarked to herself. She resolved to ask Xavier about it when she got the chance.

She put her feet up to read a book for an hour, justifying it with the excuse that Anniehadsaid to get plenty of rest. Then the doorbell rang.

She hurried to the front entrance, expecting Alison or someone she knew. She was surprised to find a stranger on the step. The woman looked somewhat familiar. “Can I help you?” Sara asked.

“Hi,” said the stranger. “I’m Xavier’s sister, Veronica. Who are you?”

Sara was stunned. Xavier had never mentioned a sister, but there was no denying the family resemblance. “I’m Sara,” Sara replied. “Do you want to come in?” If she wasn’t aware of who she was, then Sara surmised that she hadn’t turned up to congratulate her.

“I take it Xavier isn’t about?” Veronica asked, looking around.

“No, he’s gone off on some pack business with Carlos this afternoon. You’re welcome to come in and wait, though.”

Veronica looked hesitant. She looked up the street again. Sara’s brows knitted as her gaze flickered across Veronica’s face. There was an elusive unease in the visitor’s eyes, a fleeting tremor perhaps. Sara’s mind raced, trying to decipher the source of that hidden fear, but the answer remained beyond her.

“Okay,” Veronica said. “If you don’t mind.”

Sara stepped aside so Veronica could enter. She was intrigued to know more about her.A mystery sister.

They went to the kitchen and sat at the table. “Coffee?” Sara asked.

“I’m fine,” said Veronica, still looking uncomfortable.

“Come on, I insist. I was about to make some, anyway, and Xavier won’t be back for a while,” Sara pressed.

Veronica smiled. She really did look like her brother. “Okay, then, thank you,” she said.

“Xavier didn’t mention he had a sister,” said Sara, hedging for information.
