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“He didn’t, huh?” said Veronica. “That doesn’t surprise me much. We had a falling out a couple years ago.”

“I’m sorry to hear that,” said Sara. “It’s a shame when families have such problems.” Now she was desperate for the details.

“We just had some differences, that’s all. Or I should probably say we had too many similarities. We were rivals in everything from an early age. He’s only a year older than me, and everything was a competition between us. My folks used to referee us a bit, but things came to a head after they died. He became alpha, and I couldn’t compete with that. I guess I acted out.”

“Wow. So you haven’t seen him for two years? That’s sad,” said Sara, genuinely concerned.

“I wanted my freedom, to be my own boss. I knew I couldn’t have that here. I would always live under his shadow,” said Veronica, taking the coffee mug that Sara offered her. “I thought life would be better out there, away from Xavier and the pack that was so obviously loyal to him.”

“That must have been rough. I’ve only been involved in the pack for a couple of months. I grew up alone without even a brother or sister. I always wanted one, though. But I guess they have their downsides too.” Sara laughed ruefully. “I really love it here, being a part of somethingbiggerthan me.”

“So, what’s going on with you?” Veronica asked. “I take it you’re Xavier’s fated mate?”

“Oh, no, nothing like that. Although I’d like it if I was. I really like him.” Sara suddenly felt awkward saying this to Xavier’s estranged sister, but she seemed really nice.

“So what are you to him then? Why are you answering the door at the alpha’s house?” she asked. Veronica’s question was not malicious, simply curious.

Sara wasn’t sure how much she should tell Veronica, but none of this was a secret. Everyone in the pack knew what was going on between herself and Xavier. Veronica wouldn’t find it hard to learn this from another source if she wanted to. Besides, Sara liked her already, and this was her baby’s aunt, after all.

“We met through a surrogate agency,” Sara told her. “Xavier said he needed an heir to the throne, as it were, and I fit the bill to carry his child. I guess for me, I’ve always admired the shifters and liked the idea of a shifter baby. I wanted the support I’d get raising a child like this. I was ready for motherhood, so our goals lined up, I suppose.”

Veronica laughed, her green eyes flashing so much like Xavier’s. “I guess Xavier’s not the worst person to get tied to for the rest of your life. Although I wouldn’t have said that a couple of years ago. I’ve been out in the world and seen a few things since then.”

Veronica looked pensive, and Sara wondered again what Veronica was doing here. “Do you want some cake? Or pretty much anything else you’d like to eat, truthfully? We had a bit of a party here last night, and we’re a little overwhelmed with food right now.”

“No, I’m fine, thank you. I had lunch at the Hungry Horse on my way through.”

“Well, I can understand why you don’t want to eat anything else then,” Sara joked. “You shifters certainly know how to eat.”

“Yes, we can get a bit of an appetite. Shifting takes a lot of energy. It’s true what they say that the wolf is always hungry.” Veronica had an easy smile when she started to relax. Sara hoped they could be friends. “So, what’s with the party in the middle of the week?” Veronica asked.

Sara suddenly felt shy. She looked surreptitiously down at her belly and its precious cargo. “Um,” she said. “We had a bit of news that the whole pack was pleased to hear.”

“You’re pregnant?” Veronica’s voice carried a mix of astonishment and disbelief as she uttered the question, her eyebrows arching in surprise.

“Yes,” said Sara, beaming with pride.

Veronica sat back in her chair. She didn’t smile, just looked thoughtful for a moment. Then she seemed to school her face into a grin. “Great,” she said, although the smile appeared forced somehow. “Congratulations. Maybe I will have a slice of that cake to help you celebrate,” she finished, suddenly seeming normal again.

Sara was perplexed. What an odd reaction. Veronica was the first person she’d told who wasn’t boundlessly happy for her. “I don’t know how long Xavier’s going to be,” she said, putting the cake in front of Veronica. She suddenly felt very alone with this strange woman who she knew nothing about.

“That’s okay. It gives me an opportunity to get to know the mother of my niece or nephew-to-be,” she replied, sounding as if everything was normal again. Sara dismissed the strange reaction. Maybe it had been her imagination.

“So, what brings you back here now?” Sara asked her, wanting to know more about the mystery sister too.

A pained look crossed Veronica’s face. “I had a couple of difficulties with the pack I joined last year. It turns out that being part of a pack was more important to me than I thought. So I got involved with one west of here,” she said.

“Well, that’s good, isn’t it?” pressed Sara.

“It was until I started having problems there. I think I upset the wrong people. I came to see Xavier for protection. I just need to lay low for a while until the trouble blows over.”

“Damn, that’s tough. Xavier seems to be quite a reasonable man, though. I’m sure he won’t turn his back on his sister,” she said reassuringly.

“I hope not,” said Veronica. “But he’s got a bit of a blind patch when it comes to his prodigal sister.” Veronica sighed and leaned back. “Anyway, enough about me,” she said, changing the subject, much to Sara’s annoyance. “What’s been happening here? Do you know Alison?”

“Yes.” Sara beamed. “She’s become a really good friend.”

“To me, too,” said Veronica. “I missed her the most when I left. How is she? How are the girls?”

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