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To the pack leader, the result was a good sign.

Yet, despite what his senses absorbed, Xavier was still wary of his sister. He had every right to be. But he knew with the guards escorting them, no harm would come to Sara. And that was the main thing. If he were lucky, maybe Sara’s pleasing nature would have gotten Veronica to come clean as to why she had suddenly shown up at his door.

Xavier flashed a welcoming smile at both women. But his spidey sense was still on high alert. If his head had been a beacon, it would be flashing red.

“Hey, you two. Did you leave anything in the mall for other shoppers to buy?” Xavier waved at Veronica and hugged Sara.

“Uh, maybe one or two items, yes. Here’s your card. Careful, it’s hot to the touch.” Sara winked and giggled like a misbehaving schoolgirl.

“Oh, geez … I feel a big bill coming on. But hey, that’s okay. Anything my shifter baby momma wants, she gets.”

“Including the spa treatment we had at the mall, too, bro?” Veronica crooked an eyebrow with a playful smirk on her lips.

Xavier chuckled. “Yes, that, too. A relaxed mommy-to-be is a happy baby-to-be. But geez, I get now why husbands go white in the face when their wives say they’re going to the mall.”

“Get used to it, bro. Retail therapy is in our blood, shifter or human.” Veronica smirked.

Xavier and Veronica play-punched each other’s arms. The two women walked inside while Xavier helped the guards lug in all the items. The alpha broke a sweat and looked at the guards in dismay. “What the devil? All these boxes and crates. What were those two doing at the mall? Sucking the place dry?”

“Well, sir, they made a dent in the place. The two have quite the knack for vacuuming their way through stores. Yes, sir,” the one guard said, puffing as well.

Once the boxes and packages filled the foyer, Xavier dismissed the guards so they could escape their torturous day. He headed for the living room, where he heard the two women happily chatting.

Xavier stood back for a moment, peeking around the door frame to take in the scene. He was struck by his sister’s demeanor. It was not defensive in the least. Her look was easy and relaxed. And he hadn’t seen her fully smile like that since they were kids. It was as if she were a completely different woman. But his gut was still on the alert.

Looks can be deceiving, especially with Veronica.Maybe she has changed. Maybe she’s not the confrontational brat she used to be. If she had to grow up fast in another pack because it was a hardline group, maybe she now appreciates my vision for the D’Point pack. The one our parents developed and the one I carry on to this day.

Xavier turned around, grabbed two glasses of cold lemonade from the kitchen for the girls, and headed back in. With an amiable smile on his face, he handed a glass to his sister. A lingering thought bounced around in his head.If she makes one move to hurt or upset Sara, our unborn child, or the pack, she’ll be gone from this realm quicker than she can howl for help. Bloodline or not.

With the help of the gardener and the housemaid, Xavier moved all the parcels up to the nursery. Sara, Xavier, and Veronica spent the rest of the day unwrapping and arranging all the items. From musical boxes playing baby slumber songs to outfits and tiny pairs of booties, the room was finally coming together.

The reality of having a baby really sank in for Xavier. While the women oohed and aahed at every item they bought, Xavier, with a drill in his hand, put together one piece of furniture after another. He had never seen so many screws and wooden plugs in his life.

Taking a break from the construction, the alpha wiped his brow. “Well, I guess this is part of being a dad, huh? Putting together stuff the female family members bring home.”

Rocking back and forth in Sara’s new nursing chair, Veronica chimed in. “You betcha, bro. Shifting and carousing around the realm, that’s for your single boys now. It’s all about family cars and assembling furniture and midnight feeds for you.” Veronica happily winked.

“Thanks, Ronnie. You’re such a pal to remind me. NOT! But honestly, I’m okay with becoming a dad, doing dad things. I’ve sowed my oats, as they say. I’m ready to settle down and start a family. I guess a man comes to a crossroads in his life, leaves the past in the past, and decides to make a future of his own. Especially being alpha. Creating an heir and a spare.”

The women laughed.

“Sara, is it okay if I speak privately with my sis? You stay here and keep setting out your items. I’ll take Veronica downstairs.”

Sara looked up quizzically at Xavier. “Uh, sure. No problem at all. I’ve hogged Veronica enough for one day. Now it’s your turn.”

Sara was trying to make light of his request, so the mood wouldn’t grow too heavy between the three. He appreciated that about his mate. She was always putting family first.

“Thanks, Sara. I’m not excluding you. Just some sibling talk, that’s all.”

“Honestly, I think I’m done here for today. A bubble bath and a good book are what I need. I’m headed to the tub.”

“Sure, honey. That’s a good idea, actually. Relax. Even if your day at the mall was fun, the baby probably would like some bath time.” His mate smiled warmly, and without thinking, he quickly kissed Sara on the lips like he had done it a thousand times before.

Only Xavier had never kissed her like that. Not once. It wasn’t their normal kiss of passion. It was the soft, simple kiss of an old married couple.

He quickly got to his feet, headed for the door, and turned in time to see Sara lightly touch her lips, her expression full of surprise and wonder.

It brought a smile to his face and hopeful thoughts to his mind.

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