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Sara moaned as his teeth sank into her shoulder. It didn’t cause her pain but gave her a high.

She was still on her side but used the hand she wasn’t laying on to grab his thick black hair as he finished. He still hung on to her with his mouth. She felt his mouth slowly release her shoulder as he pulled out and turned her over onto her back. He snuggled into her, laying his head on her breasts as she stroked his hair. Their chests both heaved.

“I think this may be the first time I don’t have the energy to go for another round,” he commented. His breath was still ragged.

She nodded. “Me as well. I feel drained but in the best way.”

“Mmm, good.” He nuzzled her neck and kissed her before laying his head back down.

She looked at him and smiled. His eyes were closed, and his face was at peace. A mark on her shoulder that he was laying on caught her eye. It was his bite from his climax. There was no pain, just a deep bite mark that she knew would be there forever now.

It was his claim to her. The mating mark.

Sara smiled as she closed her eyes and held her man in her arms. Her forever man.



How can I be more nervous than Sara? She’s the one carrying our baby. I really need to get a grip. We are doing all the right things. Sara is eating well, sleeping well, and the sickness has passed. For an alpha, I sure am acting like an omega in all this.

Xavier stood at the bottom of the stairs, wringing his hands. He had been waiting for Sara to get ready so they could head out to their first ultrasound appointment. Every kind of conceivable pregnancy disaster rolled around in the alpha’s head.

Xavier shook them away and pasted an easy smile on for his mate. She didn’t need extra worry, thanks to his runaway fears.

“So, do I look okay? I know, pretty dowdy, huh? But I thought I should wear easy-fitting clothes for the examination.”

Sara’s look was one of apprehension. His reaction to her was one of awe.

“Darling, you could swan down those steps wearing a potato sack, and you’d look beautiful. But yes, good outfit choice. Track pants and a loose-fitting hoodie seem ideal for the agenda. The main thing is for mommy and baby-to-be comfortable, right?”

“Xavier, I know we both want to know our baby is healthy. But are we ready to know if it’s a boy or girl?”

Xavier laughed and gently hugged her. “Hey, I’m ready, but I’ll leave that up to you when the technician is ready to tell us. I am beyond in love with you and our baby, no matter what sex they are.”

Sara looked up at her mate. Her expression was still full of doubt. “But Xavier, as an alpha, you want a boy, right? To carry on the lineage of the D’Point Alphas?”

Xavier took Sara’s hand and guided her to the sofa in the lounge. Their appointment arrival time would have to be delayed a bit. Sara’s confidence had to take precedence.

With Sara’s hand in his, Xavier looked straight into her eyes with all sincerity. “Sara, no, beauty. You have it all wrong. With your inner strength and my outer, you know whichever sex our baby is, they will have the moral fiber to lead in any situation, in any position in the pack. What’s important moving forward is that the pack is supported, protected, and cared for. A good leader of any ilk can do that.”

Sara’s frown turned, and her sunny smile lit up the room and Xavier’s heart.

Xavier had done his job and relieved Sara’s concerns. He believed what he said.

But with the rival pack sniffing around, he couldn’t deny it. A male alpha was needed in such perilous times. All he could hope for was that peace for the pack was truly and forever restored by the time their baby became an adult. He wanted to imagine his child, boy or girl, would have no such worries by that time.

“Okay, are you ready to meet our child?”

“Completely ready.”

And hand in hand, Xavier led Sara to the car and to their most special appointment.

In the waiting room, Xavier was one big bodily vibration. Hands tapping, legs jumping. Sara laughed at his display of nerves.

“You’ll be worn out before we’re in the examination room, silly.” Sara put a hand on his knees and hands.

Xavier blushed and chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right.”

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