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A technician dressed in sea-foam-green scrubs and sporting a big smile came out from the room. “We’re ready for you now, Sara, Xavier. Come on in.”

Xavier rocketed out of the chair as if a starting pistol had been shot for a foot race. He strode to the door in no time. Then he realized he had forgotten something and turned on his heel … Sara.

The woman laughed at his enthusiasm, even as the wolf inside him whined. Xavier quickly returned to Sara’s side and put an arm around her waist. He smiled sheepishly at the technician as they passed over the threshold. The tech’s slight grin said that she’d experienced silly would-be fathers before.

“Okay, Sara, lie back and just relax. This won’t be uncomfortable at all. I’ve even managed to warm up the gel a bit, so you won’t jump from the temperature we keep it at.”

Sara hopped up on the bed. Once comfortable with the pillows where she wanted them, she looked at Xavier, who was still one big ball of shivering jello sporting a smile from ear to ear.

Xavier couldn’t take his eyes off Sara. This moment would be locked in their memories for all time. He didn’t want to forget one second of the occasion, where two fated mates went from lovers to parents with so much love to spare.

As the technician readied the equipment, Xavier took one final moment to caress Sara’s exposed belly. The peanut was far too small to be felt, but he wanted their little one to know its father was there and would be there every step of the way.

“Okay, are you ready, Sara?”

Sara silently nodded. A big smile was still painted on her face.

The technician applied the gel. Sara jumped a little. Xavier put a finger in the gel. It wasn’t too cold. He figured she jumped merely from the excitement of it all.

Within seconds, an image appeared on the monitor. The technician hit a button for the sound as well. And there before the couple was their tiny baby. Xavier could make out its head, but much of the image was still too small to decipher. But the heart, that beating drum. There was no mistaking the sound.

“Sara, listen! What did I tell you? Our baby is strong! Listen to that beat!” Xavier’s happy eyes filled with tears of pride and overwhelming love. His inner wolf howled happily inside him.

“Yes, you were right. With you as its father, it will be mighty, regardless of the sex or size.” Sara’s tears had long left her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.

No matter what the future brought to the pack, no matter the joys or hardships, this moment before him would be the most glorious he would ever experience. The most love, the most pride, the most ebullient joy.

There were no words. And even if there had been, Xavier would have had to spit them out between sobs of pure, thick, vibrant, and sparkling emotions.

“Do you two want to know the sex? I can tell you if you wish.” The technician glided over Sara’s stomach. She had seen the couple’s reaction before and sported a happy smile of her own.

Xavier looked at Sara. Sara whispered. “Is it healthy, Nurse?”

The technician glided over her belly once more, taking a second look. “You two have one extremely healthy baby. The most robust heartbeat I think I’ve ever heard. Everything looks perfect. But, of course, we will want you to come in for successive appointments to ensure all remains well for your little one.”

Sara smiled, inhaled, exhaled, and turned to Xavier.

“I think that’s all we need to know. At least for now.”

Xavier nodded in agreement. “Thank you, Nurse. For everything. You have truly given Sara and me a day to remember.”

The technician smiled and helped Sara clean up. And soon, Xavier was guiding his mate back to the car. He was walking, but his footsteps felt as if he floated on air.

Once in the car, Xavier made sure Sara’s seat belt was on properly.

“Oh, Xavier, you fuss too much.”

“Maybe so, but let me fuss. You and our baby are my everything. I couldn’t be happier if I tried.”

“It’s like we’re on top of the world. Isn’t it? Did we walk to the car?”

“You feel the same way as I do. I think we flew out here on a cloud. Nothing could ruin this day for us. Not a single thing.”

Xavier belted up and started the engine. He kept it idling as he looked at Sara one more time.

“Honey, after all this today, I want to tell the whole world about our good news. I want to celebrate our fortune with an official mating ceremony. What do you think?”

“I want what you want, Xavier. I’m not saying this to placate you. You and I are a team now. Where you go, I will follow. You know best about pack traditions. Please, take the lead. Maintain the traditions. From the start, I want our baby to sense we are a powerful union leading a powerful pack.”
